Chapter 7: Dead

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TW!: Gore, raping, kidnap


Lauren woke up shivering, her head pounded like it was being hit by hammer, over and over again.

She raised her pale, hollow face, scouting the eerie surroundings.

Her wrists we bound by cold, blackstone cuffs, her ankles were strapped by a pair of iron restraints, anchoring jer to the ground.

In the room, was nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

It was dark, an eerie blackness that was darker than ebony, which seemed to seep through the corners of the walls.

It was damp, as Lauren could feel hot, sticky sweat dripping down her face, making her shirt cling to her body.

It was slient, all Lauren could hear was the beating in her own heart and the sound echoeing in her head.

She closed her eyes, as a faint dizziness swirled in her head, sending pounds of ringing pain in her head.

She gritted her teeth as she twisted in her binds, her fists clenching, her finger nails digging into her palm.

A creeking noise made her look up at a heavy metal door that swayed in.

In came Scar, the man who she had wanted to allie with.

He wore a black hoodie and jeans, his blue eyes were as clear and bright as the sky on a clear summer day, and for some reason he was wearing a mask.

"Scar..." She spoke hesitantly, her voice frail and soft.

But she was ignored by the man.

"Scar!" She said, just a little louder.

She was responded by a cocky glare, and maybe a smirk under that mask.

"Scar! Let me go!" Lauren begged, her long brown hair falling infront of her face. Her eyes shining with fear and desperation.

"Shut up." Scar said through clenched teeth.

Lauren could make out the shape of knife, glinting in the mere light that creeked in through the narrow slit that the door let in.


"I said, SHUT UP"

Before Lauren could react, a piercing pain stabbed into her right shoulder. She gasped, as she sucked in air to prevent her from screaming.

She writhed in his grasp as she felt blood dripping down her elbow.

She let out a scream, a soul piericing scream that echoed in the room as Scar twisted the knife in her shoulder, watching as the blood bubbled, exposing the raw, pink skin underneath.

Lauren screamed as she clenched her fists so hard her nails dug into her palm.

Her shoulder that like it was a wound cut by a blazing knife, submerged in salt.

She gasped, as she felt Scar twist it once more.

She felt her skin being riped apart, the blood exploding, her flesh intwining with the blade.

She could hear Scar laughing, coldly, wickedly, as she screamed her lungs out. The pain brought her to tears, her entire body screaming for her to black out.

She felt the raw exposed flesh agaisnt the cold, metal blade, slicing through her skin, tearing through her shoulder.

She shuddered, as she felt herself hollow, her skin shuddering, the blazing pain blinding; casting drops of pink and blue in her vision.

"Oh! Im so sorry darling!" Scar begged, his tone shifting, knealing infront of Lauren's pain, sticky face; wiping her tears and tucking loose strands of hair behind her ears.

"Scar-" Anahita's voice sounded.

Scar jerked his head to see Anahita pearing through the doorway, "Wh-what are you doing!" she asked, horrified.

"Nothing." Scar smiled.

Anahita let out a sigh, "Call me when you need me then, I just came to tell you about Cathedral's announcement about an underwater maze, I'm going to go make some potions and we'll go to the maze in an hour."

Scar nodded, as though he didn't know.

Lauren knew that he did know, it was him who kidnapped her after all.

"Law," Scar whispered softly, using his blood stained blade to lift Lauren's head, "You could have made an alliance with me, you know?"

His voice was so gentle and kind, that it was impossible to guess that he had just about did the lowest thing possible.

"But you didn't." his voice turned cold and hard, "You didn't form an alliance with me, instead you ran off with that girl Adrienne! If I ever get my hands on her-"

"Let her go, she's my friend." Lauren choked out.

Scar smiled sadly, "Then why hasn't she come to find you? She's just a traitor, she only wanted you to help her win!"

He paused to kiss her, "I wouldn't have been like her, I would have protected you!"

"Then why are you hurting me!" Lauren asked, her voice hoarse and raw from screaming. Tears of pain and dread washed down her face, each as big as a bullet.

Each bullet hitting her in the heart.

"" Lauren managed, gritting her teeth. She pulled against the chains, straining against them.

She yelped, as she felt pain pulse through her blood, coiling around her veins.

Scar stared, a wicked smirk tugging agaisnt his lips.

He slashed at Lauren's back, watching as the blade slipped through the soft, pale skin. He watched as the skin was scarred with lines of blood, the raw skin slipping open, slits line every inch of her skin.

Scar laughed, as he licked his lips.

He watched Lauren shudder on the ground, writhing in unbearable pain.

Lauren's back felt like it was on fire, heat upon heat upon heat. Pain throbbed in her back, sweat fripped down her forhead. Every fiber called out for her to die, for the pain to stop. Her world emptied everything except the pain that immersed her body. She felt her skin cripple, black, dropping away from charred bones.

She felt life seep away from her, remaining nothing but a empty shell.

"Oh got what you deserve!"

Lauren looked away, locking her eyes against the walls.

"what, still not willing to look at me?" Scar teases, rolling his eyes.

"If I had to look at one person until i die, I'd rather look at a wall than look at you."

Poof! She was gone, and Scar's timer went up.

Scar laughed, cracking his knuckles.

"Oh darling, we are going to be here for a long time.

Lauren had experience cruciating pain, over and over again.

she felt hot, molting iron being pressed agaisnt her skin, small cuts lining every single surface of her once clear skin.

She gave up trying, for she knew it was pointless.

All until, she finally found her peace in Heaven.

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