Section 1: Cathedral

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I stood aghast, my eyes sparkling with admiration.

"PHOENIX!" Lizzie screamed, pulling me out of my daze.

I shrieked, turning to see Lizzie with a toothy grin plastered onto her face.

Rolling my eyes, I looked back up to the spot with the boy had been, the beautiful, beautiful boy.

Chapter 3: Martyn Point of View

Martyn trudged home, pulling along his prized catch of the day.

He believes that he did exceedingly well, for the first time. He had caught more than 50 pounds of fish from all varieties!

He busted the door open, grinning as he called for his parents to see his glorious achievement.

"MUM! PEARL!" He called, yearning for them to come down.

His grin spread from ear to ear as he watched Pearl's jaw fall to the ground like thunder. He was proud of himself, even prouder that his big sister is in shock. He turned to his mother, who had a weary smile on her face.

His smile fell, as he ran towards his mother. Suddenly, he felt like a child again. His calloused fingers grazed her wrinkly, weather-beaten face.

She let out a sad laugh, as she hugged her dear son tightly.

"I'm sorry." She choked; her voice swallowed by a hungry demon.

Martyn felt so brittle, rubbing circles on his old mother's back.

"I couldn't make birthday." His mother coughed, racking her entire body.

"No! You will make it!" Martyn denied, his voice flailing, shaking.

"Tell your sister I love her."

Chapter 4: Phoenix

"Now class, sit straight, listen up closely!"

The teachers voice echoed ever so slightly in Phoenix, as her inner voices rang in her brain. 

It was like the voice was inked into every coil, every nook and cranny of her head.

Phoenix gritted her teeth, as she forced herself to look up at the board.

The Four Districts

The words stood, tall and bold on the board; the chalky ink scribbled.

"It is said, there are 4 districts in this world. First is Utopia, the land of humans. This is obviously the most technologically advanced, but alas, the most harmless.

Next, is Aquarius, the land under water. This is where we live and thrive. It is the richest and widespread, but not the most menacing.

Third, is the Succumbed, land of the dead. The place, usually referred to as Hell. It is the most menacing, eerie, and soulless place on earth. However, it is not the excluded and isolated.

Lastly, is Rivendell, the land of elves. They are known, to be heartless, power hungry, and mysterious. It is said that two gods will choose 2 champions from the elven empire every decade, and those two will decide the fate of the world. Us people are allied with them, in return for eternal peace." The teacher recited, her voice booming across the classroom.

Phoenix furrowed her eyebrows, thinking back to the boy she had seen on the dock.

"Miss, are humans bad?" Phoenix asked, raising her scaly hands.

The teacher sighed, knowing this question would be raised.

"Humans, my dear, are petty, cruel, and unreasonable." She glared at Phoenix, raising an eyebrow as Phoenix bit the inside of her cheek.

The Spy That Hated MeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz