Chapter 25 It turns out that Yao'er was unlucky...

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It turns out that Yao'er was just unlucky and fell in love with the brewer on the old street!

Xu Zhengcai was still unhappy at first. After hearing Xu Zhengrong's explanation, his attitude immediately changed 180 degrees. His face no longer smelled bad, and his tone softened a lot: "Wine-making But it is a profitable business, if you can really learn it from a master, you will definitely have no problem making ends meet in the future!"

Then he couldn't help but frown, worried about other things: "People are kind enough to accept you, but we can't take advantage of it in vain. Why don't we go to the town with you and buy some good wine before the farm work in the fields is idle?" Meat, give some money, so that he can take care of you more."

He was afraid that his third brother would be ignorant and miss a rare opportunity.

If a person who just made up nonsense really asked his eldest brother to follow him to the town, wouldn't he be exposed immediately?

Xu Zhengrong, who had lied, felt guilty. He was startled and waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, no, I really don't need you to go. The work in the fields is heavy. Won't you be exhausted if you run to the town again? Master, sir." It's very good. They say they want me to learn how to make wine, but actually they are lonely and want to find someone to accompany them. It's enough for me to take care of him and take care of him!"

Although the Xu family's fields are not too large, the crops must be tended carefully. The spring planting days are short and pass by in the blink of an eye. Xu Zhengcai silently calculated the time in his mind, and it took about ten days and a half. It will give you some time to breathe, and it won't be too late to go back to town.

Xu Zhengrong felt frightened when he saw the serious expression on his elder brother's face. At first, he just wanted to make up a random person to cover up, but now it's better. He may lie one after another and he may not be able to cover it up.

Xu Zhengrong couldn't help but sigh melancholy in his heart. He just hoped to go to the town to look for some time and see if he could find a store owner who knew how to drink wine to cooperate with him.

Putting the matter aside for the time being, Xu Zhengyang was full of interest in his third brother's plan to prepare wine. While playing with Kidou, he asked: "I heard the waiter in the wine shop say before that even if it is an experienced master, , a batch of wine that costs a lot of money is only 70% good wine... The food used for brewing, the space, plus the help of the assistants, Lin Lin finally figured out that the cost for you is not small! "

Now that Xu Zhengrong had made a plan, he naturally considered all aspects carefully.

What the second brother said is not unreasonable. Most of the materials used in Xu Guo's wine making are millet and rice.

The price of millet is much cheaper than that of rice. Millet wine is the most sold in wine shops in town, but even low-priced millet adds up to a large expense. This is why he chose to make fruit wine. considerations in this regard.

As for the site and equipment, he had specifically inquired about it. The area near the sea of the village had been idle for a long time because it was not suitable for farming. If he really rented it, he might not need much money.

As for the jars used to hold wine, it is more difficult to make. They can only be customized from the town and transported by oxcart.

After Xu Zhengrong thought about it carefully, he slowly realized that the most pressing problem at hand was that he was short of people! Very short of people!

The process of making wine is cumbersome, and people are indispensable in every aspect. No matter how much fruit there is on the mountain, people have to pick it back. As for the transportation and production in the middle, it is all manual work, and it cannot be done without the cooperation of a few strong men. of.

After pondering for a moment, Xu Zhengrong decisively asked his eldest brother for help: "Brother, do you guys have anything else to do during the slack time in our village?"

There is about a month and a half of free time between spring planting and summer planting, which is also when the wild fruits in the mountains grow best. If anyone is willing to help, that would be great.

Xu Zhengcai immediately understood the meaning of his third brother's words, and after snorting, he replied calmly: "What can I do? Why don't we all rest at home?"

This is easy to handle!

"Brother! Good brother! You are the most popular in the village. Can you help your brother with this? See if there is anyone willing to work during the slack time. As long as they are willing to come and help make wine, I will never treat them badly."

In order to recruit labor, Xu Zhengrong closed his eyes and blew so hard that Xu Zhengcai lost his temper. He was really annoyed by this clingy third brother, so he waved his hands angrily: "Okay. Okay, I'll help you ask when the time comes, don't blame me if you can't find anyone!"

After his wish came true, Xu Zhengrong got an advantage and did not forget to be a good boy: "Remember to find a reliable person who is close to our family, after all, the wealth will not go to outsiders!"

Things have to be done one by one. Although I am anxious to make wine, the fruits in the mountains have not yet grown, so I can't rush it.

Xu Zhengrong's life gradually became regular. He got up early every morning and walked around the mountains with Ah Shui.

Because she was so neglected, the ginseng doll shrank into the spiritual field in the space aggrievedly. Without the ginseng doll, the herbs Xu Zhengrong collected were not as good as Ah Shui's.

However, he came up with a novel method. There were many hares and pheasants in the mountains. With the skill and agility of the mercenaries, and a small homemade bow, the family lived a meaty life for several days. .

The happiest one was definitely Kidou'er. The child didn't go to private school, so he was running around wildly. He would either follow Xu Zhengrong and Ah Shui up the mountain to catch butterflies, or wear new clothes to catch butterflies. Show off the novel toys made by my uncle to my friends.

There are many children in the village, and they are very simple-minded. If anyone can come up with toys or food that make others covet, then he will definitely be promoted to the top position.

Kidou'er is thin and small. He has never been good enough in front of a group of older children and has always been marginalized. But now everything is different. The little slingshot Xu Zhengrong specially made for him, although he can only use the branch because of the lack of accuracy. The sparrows on his head were frightened and flew everywhere, which was enough for him to show off his power for a while.

Xu Zhengrong was often dragged in front of his friends by Qian Douer to support the show. As time went by, he was inexplicably pushed to the position of king of children.

The children all like him and always ask him for help whenever they have something to do. Therefore, when a group of dirty children stood in front of Xu Zhengrong with a small shovel in one hand and a small wooden bucket in the other, Xu Zhengrong Zhengrong knew that his leisurely afternoon was going to be wasted again.

However, Kidou'er couldn't understand his uncle's face. His eyes were shining like little stars because of his excitement: "Uncle, let's go to the fields to touch snails!"

The snails mentioned here are actually the field snails that later generations often used as late-night snacks. They have long been tired of eating them. Xu Zhengrong has no interest in them at all. Just when he was about to find a way to push them away, the naughty child He waved to him: "Uncle, are you really not going? If you are not going, you will have to let Brother Ah Shui take us there alone!"

As soon as he heard Ah Shui's name, Xu Zhengrong became more energetic: "Have you invited Ah Shui?"

The child curled his lips and couldn't hold back the worry on his face: "We didn't ask Brother Ah Shui, it was Brother Ah Shui who came to us for help. He wanted to feed the snails to the little yellow duck."

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