Page 11: " The end is near "

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Marco didn't believe that it was her at first, but after hearing the conversation and the way that the mysterious lady moved, it was pretty obvious that the mysterious lady is Harmony so as painful as it may be for Marco, he suggested to the investigators to investigate the identity of Harmony Patrice. They ( investigators ) questioned what the relevance is of investigating a random person, but Marco assured them that it's important because it's going to determine whether Harmony is innocent or not.

The investigators went to action immediately and investigated the identity of Harmony Patrice. After 2 days, they found many interesting about the lady. First, the identity of Harmony Patrice is fake, and the information about her was forged. Their was no Harmony Patrice ever born in Germany
( Her birth certificate suggested she was born in Germany ), so diving deeper, the investigators found that Harmony's blood sample has a match but it's confusing because her blood matches the identity of one of the deceased children back then in the France-Belguim war.

It gets confusing because her blood matches a deceased person, but Harmony is alive, so this her identity is quite confusing. So the investigators suspected that Marco might know something about Harmony considering the fact that he was the one who suggested the investigation, so they questioned him.

Marco confessed that the clothing of the mysterious lady was indeed the same clothes that Harmony Patrice wore, and her voice matched the voice of the mysterious lady and this evidence along with her mysterious identity can be used to make a warrant of arrest to Harmony Patrice for identity fraud and suspected leaker of the information.

The warrant was made, but before they can take action, Marco contacted Neo to tell him about the case. Neo didn't believe that it was harmony and refused to believe it because harmony couldn't be the leaker, but Marco showed him all the evidence they had against Harmony

Neo: ( started tearing up ) Marco, you're fucking with me right??? Because there's no way it's her, she can't be, she's innocent "

Marco: " I wanna believe too but, this ( pointing to the evidence) shit is too strong to be denied, it pains me because i know that you love her very much but we can't deny this, i can't stop this and you know just from seeing the video that it was her, she needs to be taken to justice because- "

Neo: " Don't you fucking say it marco!!!
( Emotional) "

Marco: " She.......... is the leaker, I'm sorry Neo "

Neo: " She's framed! Someone must've framed her, yes, it's the only way Marco "
Marco: " Stop it Neo, we know that she's the leaker because of the clothes and her voice, you don't even know who she is truly because Harmony Patrice is a forged name so stop it, you know the consequences of being associated with the time violators so she gonna get- ( gets punched by Neo ) "

Neo: " I know it's her but, i just can't imagine her being put to chains, it hurts me so much that after losing my squad, I'm gonna lose her too so don't fucking say it Marco "

Marco: " I'm sorry Neo, but our duty is out priority, so do the right thing "

Neo cries in pain as he knows that Harmony is going to be executed once she's apprehended by the timeline organization, he can't accept it but he knows deep down in his heart that he must do the right thing so......

Neo: " Marco, ( spoke seriously ) we're gonna be the ones to apprehend Harmony "

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