Page 9: " Farewell Gift "

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Violator: " Hahaha ( Menacing laugh ) Oh, Miss Caprice, did you really think we're gonna let you go that easily? Oh you clueless bitch, the mission is not ransom but instead to send a message to the timeline organization that we're not gonna back down and so we killed them as a way to make our message clear and now, YOU'RE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR DEATHS!!! HAHA( Menacing laugh ) and also..... we have a little farewell gift for you, Miss Caprice........ "

Harmony: " What gift??? "

Violator: " Remember the place where you and your information exchanged information? Turns out we have secretly recorded your transaction with the informant, so as a farewell gift, we leaked the video, and it's only a matter of time before somebody finds out about that video, goodluck miss Caprice and let's see how long that freedom of yours last "

Harmony: " You all betrayed me!!! "

Violator: " You should have never trusted a time violator, enjoy your freedom while it lasts, Miss Caprice ( laughs and hangs the call ) "

Harmony broke down in tears. She thought that she was finally free, and now she's responsible for the death of Neo's squad. Her time is now limited, and she's losing hope as she can't do anything about the leaked video, so she cries quietly while regretting everything she's done.

[ Harmony's Internal Monologue ]

Why did i take on that mission?

Why did i trust those dirty shits?

Why didn't i know about the mission?

Why did they betray me?

Why can't i be free?

[ End of Monologue ]

She is devastated because the violators betrayed her, and now she's alone. No one can save her now, and not even her lover can save her in this big mess, so she cries alone, feeling hopeless and guilty for the things she has done. All those missions she has completed for the violators only to be betrayed and left by them. But in the darkest moment, she found hope. She remembered what Neo said about her back then, and maybe he could still accept her. It wasn't her fault after all, and she was just forced by the violators.

She wants to believe that Neo would forgive her, but in her heart, she knows that she can never be forgiven by her, so she gave up hope and just tries to enjoy the remaining days she has before the timekeepers inevitably captures her, it wont take long and even if she tried to escape,  they would still find her so Harmony stopped crying and goes back to being normal. She expects that Neo would be the one to arrest her, and she feels extremely sad, but at least he's the one to end her misery.

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