Page 10: " The informant "

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An investigation was immediately launched shortly after the massacre, and it seemed that the massacre was planned as the violators knew exactly when the fallen timekeepers were gonna land and go so the investigators immediately concluded the someone from the timeline organization leaked the information to the fallen's mission so.......

The imvestigators suggested initiating T.I.V.A ( Timekeeper Identification Verification Assessment ) to find moles in the organization, The higher-ups called LEVEL TIMEKEEPERS agreed with the suggestion because of the incident and for the next 3 days, there were over 1000+ moles ( spies ) caught in the organization worldwide and the timeline organization punished the moles with death because traitors and spies are the worst kinds of criminals so no mercy.

One particular mole was interesting. The mole they deemed as a "person of interest" was a mole employed in the Canadian Base, and since the mole was the only one in the Canadian Base, they immediately interrogated the mole. As they searched the mole's real identity, they had no further clue other than a match to a deceased person in France. It was confusing as the mole matched the identity of a deceased child way back in the France-belguim war. They questioned the mole, but the mole never answered.

They were running out of options, but suddenly, a mysterious account contacted the timeline organization, telling them that it had the information they needed regarding the massacre. The investigators were hesitant at first, but in order to believe the account, they needed a brief look of the so-called "evidence."

The mysterious account agreed and sent a short recording of the conversation that the leakers had. Upon hearing the short recording, the investigators concluded that it's essential evidence to determine the identities of the leakers.

The mysterious account agreed to give them the evidence, but in return, they must give him a hefty amount of money. The investigators agreed, so the money was sent, and almost immediately, the investigators received the video. They took a close analysis on the video and confirmed that the informant was indeed the mole of the Canadian Base.

But there's also another person in the video, a woman about as tall as 5'10 wearing a black jacket,and black jeans. They tried voice recognition to identity the mysterious lady, but there's no match, and so they traced the location where the transaction happened in hopes of finding clues because right now, the investigators are desperate for answers. They investigated the place, but there's no clue so far.

So the investigators decided to invite a remnant of Squad 57, and that was Marco. They gave Marco the video, and he was shocked about what he's seeing, the dress that the mysterious lady was wearing was the same as the clothes that Harmony wore back in December 1st,
( Marco and his wife Bonnie called Harmony way back in December 1 to talk about Christmas, and Marco never forgot that Harmony wore all black clothes, so seeing the video shocked the hell out of him )

Marco didn't believe that it was her at first, but after hearing the conversation and the way that the mysterious lady moved, it was pretty obvious that the mysterious lady is Harmony so as painful as it may be for Marco, he suggested to the investigators to investigate the identity of Harmony Patrice..........

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