Page 19: " Tulips are her favourites "

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December 12,2275, a cold and snowy day, Neo woke up in the mansion where his lover died. It felt empty as he couldn't feel the love anymore, and it's like living in somebody's house because Harmony was the one who made the house that he build home but now, it's just a house with maids and a garden. It felt empty and pale no matter how he saw it, so he decided to sell the house.

He relieved the maids from their job and  put the house up for sale. He then went to Harmony's burial as it was time to lay her to the final destination. There were only 3 people who attended Harmony's burial, and it was Neo, Marco, and Bonnie. Marco wore a black suit as well as Bonnie, and as Harmony's casket was lowered, Neo cried for one last time.

When the burial was done, Neo gave Harmony's grave with a bouquet of tulips in all of its colours, Marco asked...

Marco: " Why tulips? "

Neo: " Because tulips are her favourites, she liked it, especially when it's all in different colours, so I'll give her what she deserves."

He puts the tulips on her nameless gravestone, he felt sad and empty, so after the burial, he cooked some crêpes to remember everything that they did together, he remembered the first time he tasted crêpes and it was delicious because harmony made it herself and he also remembered the time where he failed making crêpes so harmony have to assist him, good times but it never made him happy reminiscing the memories, it only made him more depressed.

Neo asked the higher-ups to never reveal the identity of the leaker ( Harmony ) and hide his involvement in Squad 57 massacre. His reasoning is that he doesn't want to be reminded of this horrible incident.

His other request is to hide the real reason why he was promoted to Supreme Timekeeper and given the title of Weapon Master because he felt shameful on what he did to avenge Harmony's death, the higher ups did understand his reasoning because he feels hurt being reminded of the pain that he went through, he wants to forget it so the higher ups made up a false reason as to why he was given a nickname.

The false reason was considered as the official reason as to why Neo was given the nickname. Only a few people truly know the reason for Neo's nickname. So basically, Neo wanted to forget the massacre of squad 57 and the massacre that he caused when he invaded the violator's base.

He was depressed and was considering quitting being a timekeeper, so he printed the resignation letters and was ready to file for resignation, but before he did, he packed all his things, but while he was packing up his clothes, he saw another video recorder hidden in his closet and it was titled " One last time " so neo........

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