Page 4.2: " Can you love me for who i am? "

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The ladies and men ate lunch, and after lunch, Neo and Harmony had a private conversation where she asked some questions concerning herself....

Harmony: " Dear, i have a question. If i told you that I'm not the person that you think i am, what would you feel? "

Neo: " Certainly devastated, but i want to know the context before i judge you because maybe you're like that because of a reason that I'm not aware of "

Harmony: " What if...... I'm like, a secret agent or something like that, would you accept me? "

Neo: " Well, that's not the harmony that i know, but it depends. If you're a secret agent for evil, then it's difficult to accept you, but if you're an agent for good, then I'd have no problem accepting you. "

Harmony: " Why is it difficult to accept me if hypothetically I'm an agent for evil? "

Neo: " Because you're hypothetically associated with evil, so it's hard to accept you as you've been associated with evil, so I'm saying that it's hard to accept you but not impossible to accept you because maybe you've changed and just want to live peacefully with me "

Harmony: " Meaning you would still accept me even if i did something evil back in my past hypothetically? "

Neo: " Yeah, because everyone deserves a second chance. If this hypothetical situation that you're telling is true, then i would still probably accept you as you've changed and left evil for good and that's all the reason i need to accept you as a changed person. "

Harmony felt relief as Neo told her that her past didn't matter. What did matter is that she changed and is living a peaceful life, so she felt assured and asked Neo one more question. "

Harmony: " Would you still love me even if I'm a lie? "

Neo: " Of course i would. Every lie has some truth hidden behind it, so just like what i said, the past doesn't matter. What matters is that you've changed "

Harmony: " That's a really sweet answer ( kisses him on the lips ). Come on, and let's see the glaciers while it's still sunny. "

Neo: " Why did you ask me about that? It's really an odd question, so why? "

Harmony: " Oh nothing, just trying to test you, anyways let's go and explore Iceland! "

The couple spent the rest of their trip bonding and further getting to know each other, and ever since this trip, the two couples got closer to each other.

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