Page 17: " For her soul "

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Neo all alone entered the violator's base, and he didn't waste any time and immediately bombed the place, causing chaos and confusion. The violators never expected an attack, so the violators panicked because they were unprepared, and Neo exploited the opportunity and shot as many violators as he could see.

The mansion had an underground facility, which has many children, women, and hostages, and the mansion itself had over 200 violators guarding it so Neo alone made them all tremble. He threw a smoke bomb and continued shooting as the violators tried to locate him, Neo then pulled out a destroyer ( a gun capable of destroying a tank )

He used the destroyer and shot the mansion itself, which caused it to be engulfed in flames. He continued shooting the violators with accuracy. He was shot several times, but he didn't stop and shot the remaining violators to death. He then proceeded to go to the facility underneath the mansion and bombed it with a smokescreen and shot the violators guarding the hostages, children, and women.

There were over 100 violators guarding the underground facility, and Neo came in like a grenade and killed them with no mercy, he ran out of ammo so he used the violator's gun and shot them with it. Neo began to feel the pain of getting shot several times as he started to slow down, but he pushed through and shot the remaining violators.

No mercy can be seen in his eyes, only his fury and desire to avenge his fallen lover. He shot and killed all the 304 violators, and he killed them without any remorse. He was bleeding a lot as he received shots to his legs, arm, back, and stomach, but he didn't care as his desire to avenge her was stronger than the pain the he feels.

After 2 hours of fighting, Neo wiped out all the violators by himself. Bodies littered the mansion, blood filled the ground like a river, and the moon shining in this horrible night, Neo freed the hostages as well as the children and women,

He then walked around and he saw the bodies and blood scattered around the battlefield,  he looked at it coldly and he never felt a sense of guilt or regret but he never felt satisfaction either because no matter how many lives he take, he can never bring back what he lost so in his dying moments, he stood in the middle of the mansion ground turned to battlefield and looked at the stars, it was beautiful but then......

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