Page 15: " My life "

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He started to play the recording, and he saw harmony facing the camera just like she was watching him dead in the eyes. And the she said.....

Recording of Harmony: " ( Sighs..) Ummm.... i don't know how to start i......ok take two. Neo, it's so ironic, right? You introduced yourself to me through  video recording, and now I'm saying goodbye to you through video recording. By this time, i expect myself to either be in jail waiting to be executed or dead on somebody's arm, i never revealed to you my life simply because I've already abandoned my old self, all i want now is to embrace my new self which is the one that you love so much. I made this recording so that i can tell you my life story because i wanted to tell you the truth before i die....."

Neo listened carefully to every word she said to know who she truly was......

Recording of Harmony: " My real name is Harmony Caprice, i was born in Citè de la solitude, France, and i experience the same nightmare that you witnessed way back in the France-belguim war. After the belgians retook Vert, they retaliated by invading my home, and i remember everything from them shooting people to them, burning the houses, ( emotional ) we uhhhh..... tried to escape, but i saw two men in black murder my mom and dad, and then they abducted me. They were the violators, and they kidnapped children for their project named " Young Bird " they took advantage of the war by abducting children and many of the children were reported missing and considered as casualties of war and Belgium was blamed for the loss of children’s lives so it was the perfect scenario for the violators. In their facilities, they trained the children to become the perfect spy. They punished the disobedient and killed the uncooperative. I had no choice but to follow their instructions, and i became a spy after almost 9 years of training, i completed many missions for them that caused trouble for the timeline organization and i can't refuse their missions because they had a hold of my family's entire history so i kept continuing my missions without realizing the people that i was hurting and then..........i found you. My mission in Stellar Nova was to get the nano suits for the violators, and then i met you, i never thought or never imagined myself feeling love for anyone but made me feel love and it changed everything. I felt love, and i gave love all because of you. You're the best mistake i ever made, and i don't regret it. For years, i lied to you about my life, and i feel guilty hiding the truth but i had to lie so that i can keep loving you, i even imagined us settling down together and having kids, you driving them to school and i make lunch for them, it's something i genuinely want but.......i fucked it up when i leaked the mission. I made a deal with the violators that i do one more mission for them in exchange for my freedom and they promised that they were gonna follow through the deal so i did the deed and leaked the information. They didn't tell me what squad i was leaking info on, so i genuinely have no idea that it was your squad until the news you showed me, i was horrified to know that i was responsible for the death of your squad, i know that you won't forgive me and what's worst is that the violators betrayed me and gave the video evidence to the timeline organization so, i felt hopeless as all my hopes of building a family is gone, i know that I'm gonna die so i made this recording in advance to tell you about my life, I'm sorry if i leaked the mission but i just wanted to be free..... i wanna love you and build a family with you, but i can't anymore because of what i did. I know you won't ever forgive, but at least all i can do now is give you the location of one of the bases of the violators, the location of the base is on the abandoned mansion 100 miles to the south, I'm not gonna hope for forgiveness but this is the least i can do before i die. My dream was to become  free, and now, your dream of becoming the legendary timekeeper is also my dream fulfill our dream and be the greatest that anyone can ever see and give justice to those who are hurt and killed by the violators, including me, goodbye my love and please, give my grave some tulips after i die because it would be nice okay? "

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