Page 16: " Fury "

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After the death of Harmony, Neo gained crucial information about the location of one of the bases of the violators, Marco, who was also present when Neo played the recording warned him about the dangers of approaching the base so Neo informed the Timeline Organization about the information he got, the Organization was eager to know the location but Neo was uncooperative and didn't reveal the location because he had other plans.

Organization: " Agent 50525, the information you contain is very important, so we advise you to cooperate in this instance so that we can send an army to invade the base "

Neo: " I apologize for this, but I'm gonna be the one to go there alone."

Organization: " Wait, what? It is dangerous to go up against a violator, much less take on their base, so it's an extremely foolish idea to go without back up so share the information now before we issue you a punishment for insubordination and refusal to share information, would you intend to disobey us? "

Neo: " That is what my intention sir ( hangs up ) "

Marco: " Neo, i know you're upset about her death, but please don't waste your life away, avenging her death. It's better to cooperate with the organization so that we can bring down the violators and bring justice to Harmony's death."

Neo: " You'll understand what i feel if you lose someone special so Marco, don't  try to stop me because, ( puts his hand to his heart ) this heart, is burning in fury and i don't care if i die, i want to be the one to end them all, they brought her pain and suffering her entire life and they treated her like shit so don't try to stop me, if i die, then, reveal to them the location of the base."

Marco: " Don't do this, Neo, live for her. "

Neo: " I've lived for her, and now I'll die for her soul. "

Marco felt the fury burning in Neo's eyes, and though he warned him, he still persisted, so he followed him on his journey to the violator's base. When they arrived, they saw the abandoned mansion, and it was dead in the night, so it was dark.

Neo prepared all his weapons and put them all in the briefcase, he sneaked to one of the holes of the mansion's wall and this was the last time Marco saw Neo, he expected him to die but also hoped that he lives because he doesn't want to lose his friend and then, a few moments passed he heard an explosion.........

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