Page 2: " Timekeeper's Training "

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[ Neo's POV ]

" After i spent some time resting, i went back to my goal, and that is completing the timekeeper's training. I said goodbye once again to my now fiancee harmon, and at 20 years old, i am pretty much at a really nice place as i own a house, property, financially stable, got an astronomist fiancee and is set on a goal to become a timekeeper."

" September 3,2272. I went to the timeline  organization's canada base, and i was immediately greeted upon my arrival, i was grouped with a squad composing of 10 people. There was a cool looking timekeeper breaking down what we're gonna do in the timekeeper's training program."

" The timekeeper said that " The program will compose of Situational Evaluation, Special Weapons Training, Battle Simulation Training and Mastery Evaluation." The timekeeper added that since we already have military training and extensive knowledge of how time works along with proficient knowledge in languages, they only need to evaluate in the first month whether we are smart enough to think, act and endure harsh environmental changes."

" The first month was hard as we were placed on disaster like environments in which we were given objectives to complete within a limited time. It was physically tiring as we were trying to catch the time while completing the objectives. At the end of the Situational Evaluation, there were only 7 recruits left, including me."

" The next stage is Special Weapons Training. This training is different from the military weapons training as the organization's weapons are completely different from the military weapons. The weapons are designed and made for timekeepers, and the weapons are extremely dangerous. Some weapons are specialized in eliminating humans in one shot like the Reaper ( a gun that fires an electrical wave that is capable of electricuting someone to death if ever hit )."

" I trained for an entirety of 6 months,which was the fastest recorded completion of an entire stage so i was favoured by the timekeeper in charge as i learned faster and showcased extreme precision and mastery over weapons, so i advanced immediately while my squadmates were behind. I was the only one who advanced this fast, so i was the only one in the next stage."

" The next stage was Battle Simulation Training, in which i will complete a set of objectives while engaged in dangerous situations to evaluate my decision-making skills, combat initiative,   hand to hand combat skills, weapons mastery and use in simulated battle and awareness to surrounding."

" The simulations were realistic, and i had a hard time completing objectives while engaged in life-threatening situations (although it was just a simulation). I did complete the training stage within 4 months, and the final objective for me was to face a soldier in a real hand to hand combat to evaluate whether the simulation training was effective, i easily beat the soldier as my combat instincts along with my weapon masterty kicked in, so i completed the third stage with ease. "

" The final stage was the easiest as i only underwent through Mastery Evaluation. The Mastery Evaluation mainly wants to see the results of my overall training and evaluate my performance whether i am eligible for the title of timekeeper, so i underwent 4 months of Mastery training involving travelling with a time machine, mastery training of weapons and overall battle performance and i finished quickly and broke records, i was the fastest recruit to ever finish the entire timekeeper's training program and it made news all over the Timeline Organization. I finished the training within 1 year and 3 months, and i was given the seal of the timekeeper and a uniform was issued to me, i was given an special code ( basically like an i.d )to forever immortalize my membership to the Timeline Organization. "

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