Page 5: " The timekeeper's enemy "

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[ Harmony's POV ]

" Neo became a timekeeper, and as much as I'm proud of him, I'm also just as guilty because I've been lying to him thos entire time. I don't really have a job being an astronomer. It's just a cover-up story for the horrible things I've been doing."

" I'm a spy........ a spy for the time violators. I've been a spy 2 years before i met Neo, and i was only 16 back then when i started. I was ruthless and unforgiving. I ended people's lives and leaked information that enabled the time violators to commit anomalies in history."

" I did all those because i was forced to, and i didn't have a choice, i could've run away, but it was useless as they already have a hold of my family's history, they could alter it making me nonexistent or changing my family's life, it's horrible because no matter what i do, I'm always gonna end up being oppressed by them."

" When i came to Stellar Nova, i had a mission, which was to obtain the nano-technology uniforms so that the violators can incorporate their weapons with nanotechnology. My plan was to be ordinary as a girl can be and blend in with the people, but unfortunately, i met him. The man that is free."

" All my life, I've been a slave by the violators, training me when i was a child to transform me into a spy that will bring an end to the timeline organization's reign. I was punished, trained brutally, abused, and starved all so that i can be fully obedient by their orders, i can't escape, so growing up, i never felt love or been shown love but sometimes i sneak out of my cell to watch shows and i saw what love is like by watching the corny love stories that is being showed so i had an idea of what love is."

" I was deployed in Canada on June 3, 2268, to infiltrate and steal stellar nova's nano suits, and i was successful, but i met him. I never felt love, but when he came along, everything changed. The way he showed kindness to me and the way he treated me was so different from how i was being treated by the violators. I felt love for the first time, and i never expected to fall in love to such a guy like him, but i did, and it's going to be my inevitable downfall."

" He showed me kindness and love, and he showed me hope, hope that i could be free, i wish i could love him without anyone holding me back, but i can never escape my destiny. I said to him back then that i have family issues to tend to, but it was just an excuse to go back to the time violators base and go to a mission. As he was getting closer to his dream, i felt regret because i know that when he becomes a timekeeper, I'm going to become his enemy aswell and the guilt that i feel everyday not telling him the truth is consuming me."

" I made a deal with the time violators, i will do one last mission with them in exchange for my freedom and the freedom of my family's history. They agreed, and i put my trust in them because it's my only chance to live freely and love him. All i want is to be free and love someone, and i already put behind my shameful past, and I'm hoping that the violators honour their word because its the only thing that kept me associated with them."

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