Bonus Chapter #1

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Hi guys! This is a bonus chapter of Sam's perspective of finding Sierra. This was suggested to me in the comments and I just had to do it. Enjoy and if you have anymore ideas of bonus chapters let me know!

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I was an idiot. A big fucking idiot.

She kissed me and I stopped her. I'd spent the last three weeks thinking about what it would be like to kiss her and when she kisses me I tell her not her to.

I can't get the heartbroken look in her eyes out of my mind. I can still hear her voice yelling at me to leave.

I felt like a horrible person.

I was a horrible person.

Just as I pulled in my driveway and turned the car off my phone started to ring. I reached into my pocket, praying for it to be Sierra.

It wasn't.


"Don't freak out." Alex said, but when someone tells you not to freak out it makes you freak out. 

"Did something happen?" I asked. 

"I just got off the phone with Aaron, I think he's drunk or on something. I'm not really sure. He sounded out of it though." 

"Did he say anything?" I asked, wanting Alex to get to the point. 

"He was saying that he 'just had to do it', I'm not really sure what it is though. He hung up on me before I could figure out what was going on and he won't answer his phone anymore. I doubt it's anything, but I promised I'd let you know." 

"Did he mention Sierra at all?" I asked, my heart pounding in my chest. 

"No, he didn't but I could tell he was talking about someone, he just didn't say who." 

I had a bad feeling, deep in my gut. Something was wrong. 

"Alex, I have to go." I said and I didn't wait for his response before I hung up. 

I don't think I had ever driven faster than I did as I sped down the streets of Boston, the only thought on my mind was Sierra. My tires skid across the road as I whipped the car into her driveway. I threw the car door open and I ran up her front steps. Her door was cracked open which I knew wasn't right because I had closed it. I remembered closing it. Just 30 minutes ago the door had been closed and in those 30 minutes Sierra had left or someone had come in. 

I didn't bother to knock, instead I pushed the door open all the way and stepped inside. "Sierra!" I called as I walked in. 

There was no answer. 

"Sierra!" I yelled even louder this time as I walked through the living room. Her house had an eerie silence to it. It echoed off the walls and filled each room. 

I walked toward the kitchen, the last place I had seen her. My body froze when I stepped into the doorway. For a split second, I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't speak. Every ounce of oxygen had left my lungs because Aaron was lying on the ground with blood seeping from his chest. 

And lying five feet away from him was a gun, and right beside that, on the cold hard floor, was Sierra. My Sierra. 

And her entire arm was covered in blood. 

It seeped through her shirt and created a puddle beneath her. Her face was pale, like the life was being sucked from her. But the sight of her chest rising snapped me out of it. I grabbed the kitchen cloth from the counter and quickly pressed it against her wound to try and stop the bleeding before I grabbed my phone from my pocket to dial 911. 

"911, what's your emergency?" 

"My friend is bleeding a lot. I think she was shot but I'm not sure."

"Is she conscious?"

"No, but she's breathing."

I gave the woman on the line Sierra's address before hanging up and waiting for the paramedics to arrive. 

I stared at Sierra's lifeless body. I pushed a stray piece of blonde hair from her face and I didn't realize I was crying until I saw a tear fall on her cheek. "Please don't die on me, Sierra." More tears started to fall and I wiped them away with back of my hand. "I can't lose you, Sierra, please. God, I should have stayed here, I shouldn't have left you. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I squeezed my eyes shut. "I love you, Sierra. I love you." 

I kept saying it over and over. "I love you, I love you, I love you." and I didn't stop until the paramedics came in and pulled her body on to a stretcher. 

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