Chapter 99

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Maybe you should have known he was here. Although he once hated the Leaf Village, it was his home, and maybe in the future, he forgave it.

Considering that he was not with Boruto. Sasuke was not inside the Village. He had kept his distance from it so as not to have any suspicions.

Obito, and you approached the male. He was already facing you both. However,  he wasn't looking at the two of you. No, he was looking just at you. If he could, he probably would not blink at all as he kept his eyes on you.

Sasuke looked older, as it was to be expected. But it felt strange to know that Itachi and Sasuke were waiting for the two of you not too far from here. That Sasuke knew his future self was here.

When you finally stopped in front of him, there was a small smile reaching his face. Not a full smile, Sasuke was not known for that. You almost studied his figure, only to be grasped and pulled forward in a hug. When you placed your hands on his waist, it was when you took notice that his left arm wasn't there. Instead of asking, you allowed him to hug you, and you hugged him back. When he was done, he finally released you. "So this is where we should have started. "

"You found Boruto, where is he?" Although  Sasuke was happy to see you, he had a responsibility for Boruto's safety.

"More like he found me," you chuckled, "he's safe. I left him with Gaara. The idea to bring him here popped into my head, but well, Naruto is here. He can be naive, but he isn't  stupid."

"Would it be possible  for us to..." He glanced at Obito, who, although unhappy, nodded as you clarified you were okay for now. Obito turned around and walked away, perhaps to join Itachi and the other Sasuke. Finally, when you two were alone, he allowed his smile to widen. "I can't believe you're standing in front of me right now. It's been years since..."

"I know." Sadly, you smiled. "I know I shouldn't,  but could you maybe tell me how everyone is doing in the future? You don't  need to tell me all the details."

Sasuke remained silent for a couple of minutes while his smile was erased from his lips. "They're doing okay. They all have children now. I do." It wasn't regret that he felt. You didn't think having a kid would be regretful.  No, there was just a heaviness to the last part of his sentence.

There was more you wanted to know, so much you wanted to ask, but it was better not to. "I'm glad to hear you. You  have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that." Honestly,  it felt a little painful to breathe. It was best to live in the present, it was a famous saying. But you were curious, anyone was, to want to know about the future. So yes, you wanted to ask him.

But you supposed it was even more painful to know that you were not going to take part in their future. To spend time with them, so see them with their children. That future had been a possibility for you, and maybe, just maybe one of them would have become the father/mother of your children.

At some point, there was no desire to have kids. With what you've dealt with, you didn't want your kids to have the possibility of having to be taken from your grasp and used as sex slaves. Your choices got you where you were, you had robbed yourself of your future. Even if you did not regret your choices, that didn't take the fact that it was nice to think, to imagine a heartwarming future for yourself. 

Sasuke had taken notice of your daydreaming because his eyes had softened when you snapped out of it. You cleared your throat, trying to think of what to say next. "If someone is deserving of a good future, that someone  is you."

He was hinting, hinting at changing your future. You've changed the future of so many children, so why couldn't you change yours? So why couldn't you though? If you put your mind to it, you could find out how, when, and where you died. Easily,  you could change your future if you wanted. Unless you died of a disease,  but judging by the fact that Sasuke was encouraging to do something about it, that wasn't the case.

Having encouragement from someone filled your chest with warmth and the will to live. But, something within you, there was something that stopped you, and you didn't know what that was. Your mouth opened and closed, trying to find an explanation,  a reply for Sasuke. Sighing, you shook your head. "The past is much easier to handle than the future. It would have been best not to know about it. But I'm happy to see you, well," you chuckled, "I see you every day,  but you know what I mean. Now," you paused for a moment. "If you wish to stay here, I won't stop you. If I can find you here when I need you." You paused to glance back to where Obito had left. "But if you want to remain at Boruto's side, I'll ask Obito to take you to him. We'll handle the rest. Once we find the device you need to return to the future, I'll get you both."

"I can," Sasuke was about to say something, but stop and smile. "Technically, I will be searching for the device with you. My past self that is." It was almost time to leave. The two of you knew that. Sasuke's face relaxed, but then a saddened expression appeared."I have many regrets but my biggest one is not to tell you..." He didn't finish. He may not have finished that sentence,  but you had a feeling what that was. "I would prefer  to remain at  Boruto's side."

Nodding you motioned for him to follow you. Once you found Obito, you asked him to take Sasuke to the Sand Village and explain the situation to Gaara. You wanted a moment to think, but there was no time. There was never enough time even if it was at your disposal.

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