Chapter 30

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Note: Hey guys, just a quick question. Does it feel like I rushing things? Is it going alright? Or would it be best to slow down? Anyway, I promise, from this chapter on, there will definitely be more involvement fro. Naruto Characters. I promise. 


"So you're here." It has been not even an hour since you woke up, but as soon as you did, you were greeted by Benjiro. As soon as you woke up, he filled you in on what you missed. He explained the Kazekage's death, about  the mission and about what had been decided with you.

The death of the Kazekage was enough to deal with and now more was added to your plate. Without saying anything, you left the hospital to fund the Kazekage's grave.

It wasn't hard for the siblings to find you here, it was the only place you would be at right after you heard it all. Her voice sounded tired, unlike the confident one she always possessed. 

You just stared down at the grave with swollen eyes. You had been crying, and until now, you stopped. If you felt like that, you could only imagine what those guys felt like. The Kazekage wasn't your father, these were his kids and they must truly feel broken. Turning to face them, you were about to approach them but they just walked forward to stand at your side.

However, Temari was caught off of guard as you brought the trio close to your form an hugged them all to your best of abilities. Your body began to shake as you stated to cry, tightening your hold. "I am so sorry, I can just imagine how the three of you must feel." Somehow you managed to say between the sobbing. 

Temari and Kankuro returned the action by hugging you back. Gaara did not move away but he didn't hug you either, he was just frozen unsure of what to do. During his visit to the Leaf Village, a certain someone taught him a valuable lesson. But despite that, it has been years since he was given that kind of affection so he didn't know what to do. 

The other two,did cry. Perhaps their father wasn't very fond of showing how much he cared for them, he was a very busy man but he was their father. He was strict and cared deeply for the village but they still loved him. That is, with the exception of Gaara. 

You were not sure how long you all stood huddled in the hug, but once you pulled back, you felt a heavy load off your chest. "It really is good to see you guys." Sending them a small smile, you step back to put some space between all of you and then decide to take a seat. 

"We're happy to have you back." With a  punch upside your head, Temari replied. "Be careful next time you are sent to a mission you idiot, don't even pretend that nothing happened. We know about what happened and wha-" She stopped herself from continuing, not wanted to reopen a fresh would. 

"Oh." Glancing back at the grave, you understood they they knew everything. "So you know." Telling yourself lowly, you nod. "But not everything is what it seems. On the way to that place my arm was brocken so I served them more like a maid, so there's no need to think of that " That, you were referring to the part of sex. 

They glanced at the ground, looking a lot more relived. "By the way, we also heard about your team. What are you going to do?" Kankuro simply stared at the grave that belong to his father, it was strange but there was something the he felt. With what happened, a new phase of their lives started but what about you?

There was no response from you, but you had a concentrated expression across your face. "I...I don't know. I've trained these years only for the main purpose of joining the Infiltration team so I am not sure. I suppose that if I were to get a new team, I could accept it but..." Still that notebook rested inside your pocket. It was as if it reminded you of it's purpose, of your purpose. "We were supposed to bring all of those groups down, and more innocent girls would be rescued. Now though, that has been put on hold and even if it's resumed I won't be part of it."

"But, aren't you happy about it? With what you lived as a kid?" The older male seemed to have hit the same question that Temari had.

Realizing that it did not matter whether you showed the notebook now, you retrieved it from the inside of your pocket. "I should, but...You guys don't know about Hina." Even as time passed, you could still remember her face. Her death probably influenced all you decisions. "When I was six and I was taken to that house, she took care of me until I was twelve. She was taken away when I escaped, which is why I snapped that day. Even now, I can still feel the lingering guilt. If I had done that before she was taken away, she would be alive and live a happy life. But I didn't." Kankuro's hand was placed on your shoulder as if reassuring you. "The reason why I felt such happiness to be a part of those girls' freedom is because I can see a part of Hina in them. I feel responsible for bringing Justice to them. See this?" Their eyes landed on the notebook. " This has names of clients and even more names of people like Rin. With this, there's a lot to be done but that's not possible..."

"Even if that's how you feel, there are only two options for you to take. To either accept your new team with different missions or just live as a civilian." Temari explained.

"That's true, but...I am not sure that I can see myself returning to that kind of life. Not no, I have this will all the names of those criminals. It just doesn't feel right to just forget it when there are other girls who are waiting to be freed. There are others that maybe killed because they no longer fit the desired image of those pigs. I also cannot imagine myself just standing on the sidelines when I want to be part of that."

Temari frowned. "You fool, you're no thinking what I think you are. Because if that's the case, I don't care if I have to beat some sense into that head of yours but I am not allowing you to place yourself into that kind of danger." Out of rage, Temari rose to her feet.  Kankuro and Gaara watched in silence showing their agreement with the girl.

Placing the notebook on your pocket again, you smiled. It was endearing to see that they really cares. "The truth is, even if I have a lot to learn, I can actually see myself doing that. I'll be risking my life, yes, and I'll also be facing the probability of becoming a missing ninja. But I'm more than willing to do that if I serve a purpose. If I decide that, please I ask of you to respect my decision. It's something I want to do, I don't want to live and regret not taking this path. I want the Kazekage, whatever he is, to be proud of my decisions."

"Are you planning to leave today?" Gaara finally managed to ask tearing surprised looks from his siblings.

You were surprised that he had spoken. It was rare for him to speak let alone to you. "It's best if I don't tell any of you. Just by telling you all about this can put you guys at risk. If I do however, there's a chance that I won't say goodbye so I'll like to take the opportunity to do that now. Thank you all, thank you for being so understanding for having faith in me, for being there for me when others could not. Thank you for caring, I truly love you guys. I wish I could stay here with you all and see you grow. Though, I may leave, I intend on keeping in touch with you guys. I'll find a way." Reaching forward, Kankuro being the closest one, you tugged him forward into a hug. 

You kept him there for a minute or so, until you pulled back. Gaara followed next, and him being smaller, it was easier to pull him into your arms and tighten your embrace. Remaining in that position, you wanted to enjoy their warmth for a little longer.

Last but not least, Temari followed. It was too soon for you to decide but it was more likely that you would leave. You would truly miss Gaara, Temari, Kankuro and the Kazekage. They had made themselves very important in your life, they became the family that had given up on you. 

But, good things never last and so, with a heavy heart you'll have to say goodbye. It was better now that everyone was busy, worried. If you left later, you'll be stopped and even put to prison for treason. So, even if you just arrived, you had no other option but to leave at once.

That very same day, you left. It had not been as easy as you had hoped but you had managed to leave the Sand Village. It wasn't going to be easy, you'll find many dangers in this new path but you felt that you would be able to handle it.

It would require a lot of training, a lot of searching but you'll find a way to help get rid of those pests. Even if you died, it would be best doing something worthy than just be an expectator. All will be worth it. 

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