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The sobbing of not one, but several children echoed inside a small house. There were two men, who simply did not show their faces since they were covered by a mask.

The other person inside that small, dirty house was a young well dressed and beautiful woman. The woman, fanning her delicate face, walked forward and looked at every child, which consisted of girls. Her deep black eyes landed and the youngest one, and a frown formed on her face. “This one is too young.” She then continued to close the distance between the young child, who continued to cry and by now most of her face was covered in tears and snot. Her hand reached forward, and although by pure instinct, the girl moved back getting closer to the other girls who were also terrified. Her fingers grasped the girl’s chin, and turned it from side to side, inspecting the girl’s face. “How old is she?” She then continued to look at the girl, unlike the others, this one looked better dressed. Although covered in mud, those earing and a necklace only spoke of how wealthy the girl’s parents might have been.

One of the men cleared his throat as he tore his eyes from the pretty woman. “From what we discovered, she just turned six.”

The woman straightened her posture, turned around to face the men. “Do you have any idea what you have done to bring me someone like her? Her family will spend everything they have in their power to find her!” Her face was filled with wrinkles as she frowned.

“That won’t be a problem Junko, she belongs to a small village and although her parents are wealthy, I doubt they’ll come looking for her.” At that, the man glanced at the other and from the way the mask curbed, he was smiling. “They’re scared we might take any other girls from their village, we know it was a risky move to take them in such a way. But a village without any protection, and any way of even find said protection, they were willing to offer us three girls.”

Junko raised an eyebrow, turning around to look at the girls and her gaze ending in the smallest one. “Oh, but why would someone of her economic status offer her so willingly when there are others?”

“Her father was the leader of that village, and as much as he loved her little girl, he had another to take care of.”

After the clarification, the woman sighed. “Very well, she’s too young to put to work now, I am sure I can train her properly. Who knows, maybe I can place her into a higher paid class.” She reached for a bag full of coins and offered it to one of the men. “But,” she paused just when she was about to release it, “if you get caught, just remember that you don’t know me.” And she dropped the bag, only for it to land on the man’s palm.

As the woman called someone to enter, she smiled to the new merchandise, or as she calls it. Once the children were taken away, she released a puff of air and left that wretched house. Despite feeling like a bad day, it was quite productive. With the addition of new girls to the menu, but that very same that, the lives of every girl were marked.

But one of the girls, the younger one will be marked most, because of the choice that their parents made. Perhaps whether they had the option to stop her is kidnapping or not, we shall see how life turns out to be for [Name]. Maybe she’ll build her out path despite the circumstances, or maybe give up and accept her face. That is up to you, what will you do?

Love for Sale( A various Naruto x reader story.)Where stories live. Discover now