Chapter 57

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Friends, that what what they once were. When they were younger they used to hang out, they did not know about hatred back then. Or at least, they didn't understand why they couldn't live in harmony. They didn't know why they had to live in constant war against each other.

Even now that they were grown, they still could not understand but they also felt as if they couldn't do anything about it either. "It has been a long time." Hashirama spoke, any other time he would have offered a smile but lately there had been nothing but loss that he just .... Couldn't. "Judging that you have accepted my terms to meet, you already know why I'm here."

"Yes." Madara finally spoke, and honestly he was glad Izuna and Tobimara were not here otherwise they would not have been able to have a conversation. "I know you're here for her. You haven't changed at all, have you? You welcomed her into your home even at times like this. She could have been an ally, and she could have attempted to kill you.Either say, don't you think it's a little cold to send her with those men?"

Said male let out a long sigh, he knew it wasn't good for you but it was the best they could do. You didn't belong to this place. " She doesn't," it seemed as if Madara had read his mind.   " Either way, I'm afraid she's going to remain with us. "

This Hashirama did not like, a frown formed on his face. " She has no knowledge of the past, she serves you no purpose. "

This time Madara smiled. " She does, " it has been over a week now since you've been staying with them. " Izuna... " Hashirama understood right away, all of them lost a piece of themselves with this war. And his brother, he somehow seemed to have softened in your presence.

They understood it too well. It happened when you find something fragile, and the only reaction you have is to protect it. Sometimes it happens involuntary, and this case you were hurt and somehow Izuna was involuntarily showing some kind of protective actions. " You know, " the male nodded, " do you remember the name you had for that place when we were kids? "

How could Madara not remember, because even to this day he still hoped that they could just live in peace. If they did then they wouldn't keep losing loved one. " What if it? We both know that's impossible. "

But was it? " When [Name] arrived, she began to say things that did not make sense at all. But then, do you know what she mentioned? She talked about a place called the Hidden Leaf Village."

Upon that, Marada's eyes widened. There were only two people who knew about that name and there were facing each other right now. So could it be th- was it even possible to end this war? For them to coexist?

None of them spoke a other word, instead they kept thinking about the findings and deep down hope grew in their hearts.

Meanwhile here you were, at their garden. And Izuna was close by, as if to make sure that you were not going to escape. "Why am I still here? The information you want, I can't provide it."
Izuna walked closer but he kept his eyes away from you and said nothing. Just like Sasuke, just like he always did. He would rarely speak but his presence was enough. "You remind me so much of Sasuke."Finally he offered you his attention, his eyes seemed to ask you to tell him more. "He was my friend, he used to be quiet most of the time but I appreciated his presence a lot. " Specially with everything that was going on, he was the only one there for you. He was supporting you and he probably didn't understand how much.

The very same you confused him with, he wondered just how much you missed him. Izuna's shoulder's relaxed and he came closer so that he was standing now at your side. "What ... Happened to you to be this messed up? Aren't wars over where you come from?" Because if he was being honest, he hoped that there were no more wars. He was tired of this one, he was tired of losing people he loved.

Looking down, you swallowed hard at you tried to get rid of what happened but you couldn't... "As far as I know, there are no wars."

" Then" but he didn't finished, he was curious. He was curious to know why you would sometimes wake up screaming at night.

" Honestly, I don't know which is worse."And you hated it, you hated it all. A war at least, people had a fighting chance or if people died, they died. In sex trafficking, children couldn't fight for their survival, if they did it was only to do what they were told to do.

"Like what?"

There was always two parts of a story, and in this war, it wasn't any different. The Senju weren't evil, they had treated you with kindness when you needed them the most. The Uchiha were... Far more serious, and although at first they weren't exactly the most friendliest, they too were not evil either. During a war some people acted differently, and in this case the Uchiha were desperate. "Sex trade." Finally you exposed, earning a blush from the man.

It was a topic that wasn't talked much about, that was understandable. "So you..."

"I was taken when I was six." You looked away so you were not able to see his reaction and honestly, you were not sure why you were telling him this. "I remained with them for six years, I was lucky to not have been exploited." Then you flinched. " Villages knew about the sex slavery of children and did absolutely nothing about it. I thought ... I was naive and... I was stupid and in the end I... I paid for my stupidity as I tried to be a hero. "

Nothing was said for a few minutes, until you felt the heat of a body next to you and they sat down. You flinched but you did not move. " It wasn't stupidity," the male spoke softly, almost of if he was trying to understand you. Almost as if he did understand a bit about you. "I think it was brave of you, and to be honest what kind of sick bastards would do such a thing to children."

" I don't know either, " because no matter how much time you've had to understand them, you couldn't. " Only monsters like them would... Would hurt kids like that. What saddens me the most is that, even people who were to help the-us. They were also clients of these places. "

" How did you end up here? How is it that you had no idea you were a Time Keeper?"

The more you spoke about it, the lighter you became. Hashirama and Tobimara had been very kind to you and yet, you didn't tell them everything. But with Izuna, he just... He just looked a lot like your childhood friend... Perhaps that was why you continued. " The one who... Was in charge of most of the brothels, he... " He was the one who did this to you, and Izuna understood that. " I managed to escape, but I really don't know how I ended up here. I just... I didn't even know these people existed. "

" What do you plan to do when you get back? " He was curious, and judging by how you flinched you hadn't thought about that.

You lowered your head, and kept staring at the ground; thinking. Perhaps you were thinking of all the scenarios of what would happen when you got back. You were thinking of all the pros of returning, but it seemed that the longer you thought about it, the more you realized that you weren't ready.

Izuna leaned back, thinking of his brother's words and after hearing you speak, he understood how cruel he had been. He was just desperate, he wanted for this war to end and of course, for the Uchiha to win. He was willing to do everything in order to win, even to torture you if he needed too.

But he was wrong, because there was no greater torture than the one you had to endure by that man. The longer he looked at you, and now that he knew a bit of your story... He couldn't help but feel impressed. Not everyone who went through what you did could continue to stand and continue to live.

The longer he looked at you, the more he thought how how cruel the future seemed to be. And the more he thought that the future didn't deserve you.

Love for Sale( A various Naruto x reader story.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora