Chapter 1

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It felt like yesterday when you were forced unto your new life. Now at the age of 12, the past seemed rather foggy. The faces of your parents seemed hard for your memory to remember, or even for your younger sister. Letting out a sigh, you glance at the now wet but clean floor of the kitchen. Lunch was ready, but the others were still busy with who knows what.

As you stood up, you can only remember the good memories that you shared with the other girls. Despite being forced to do...That, they were very kind to you. You oversaw cleaning, washing their clothing and cooking, when Junko was not around, they tried to help you with the daily chores. Every single day you ended up finishing with your chores very late at night.

"Stop standing there like an idiot and start doing the laundry." Junko came in the kitchen, her eyes roaming around the room making sure that everything was in place.

By now you learned to speak up and better yet, not to let the anger get the best of you. You just hoped that for your own good, you'll not explode. "Right away." Letting the dirty rag drop inside the bucket, you grabbed the items and headed out where a large mountain of clothing was waiting for you to clean.

Most of the time you hoped and wish that one day you'll simply be rescued by those that your parents sent, but that was crushed by reality. You knew that was unlikely, it has been six years since you were taken away from their home. But then again, your life wasn't as miserable as the others. What they were being forced to do was just...Disgusting, and although most of the time they always reassure you that they are fine and that they are used to it, you know they took are waiting for something to to happen so that they can escape this life.

"[Name]!" The shirking and loud clattering of things cashing on the floor, woke you from your daydreaming.

Rushing inside the kitchen once again, your eyes rested on the movements of Junko. She had the handle of the pan in her palm while slamming it on the counter, trying to kill something. "What's wrong?"

She didn't stop her movements until the meal you had prepared painted the floor. It was then that her eyes snapped to your form. "I told you to get rid of these pests!" She dropped the pan to the ground, making you wince as the loud sound echoed through your eardrums. She stalked forward, and before you had time to react, your cheek felt a throbbing pain. That wasn't enough, she pushed you to the ground, got on top of you and continued her slapping. When her anger left her body, she stood up, dusted her dress and stepped to the side. "incompetent fool, clean this up and don't forget to kill those rats or the dead one will be someone else." She began to walk away, but stopped. "Don't forget to have lunch ready."

Not even a hiss of pain escaped your lips, although it hurt, your pride didn't allow for any show if weakness. No matter how much she abused you, you would not allow her to see you cry, to see you defeated. She took so much from you, but not your pride. Standing up, you only rubbed your cheeks trying to sooth the pain, looked at the mess and your hands curled. However, with deep breaths, you could calm down. Looking outside, your heart ached for freedom but there was none, not when any chance of escaping was blocked by some of Junko's men.

In the end, you started to clean the mess and got to work on lunch once more. Even as the anger was leaving your being, with every time you tried to bury your emotions, that was just setting the ticking of a bomb. A bomb that would explode, and when that happened, who knows how much damaged will be caused.

What also was being set in motion, was the awareness of the kidnappings of many girls and the findings of dead women bodies. That didn't go unnoticed by several Kages, why would they allow such atrocities to happen to these young girls, especially when they knew what these girls were either being or were used for.

All that was needed was time, time for an ending, and time for a new life

****Any Suggestions for the age? Should the reader be older than the Naruto characters, maybe 2-3 years older? Or younger? I am leaning towards the older part but I am curious as to what you guys would prefer. *****

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