Chapter 55

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Note: This is all I have written, so I don't know when I'll have the next chapter done. So please be patient.


She was gone, completely gone and without anyone else knowing how. At least, that was what Tobimara concluded when he was alerted about your disappearance this afternoon. The afternoon, it had taken them this long to realize that you were not in your room. Had they taken notice sooner, they would had searched for you or whomever had taken you.

"You think," Hashirama started, the two of them were at his office. "They have anything to do with her disappearance?" 

Them? The Time Keepers? Or...The Uchiha, something told Tobimara that he was referring to them. Hearing their name made his blood burn in such and unpleasant way. "How would they know about her in the first place? Not to mention, before yesterday, they were nothing but a myth."

They were not known very well, they made sure of that and well, for obvious reasons. The war has been going for as long as they could remember, they never bothered to seek them out. "I don't think the Time Keepers took her." They probably were able to if they wanted, there was no need for them to ask them to let them take her. Why, he wasn't sure.  

"Unless," Tobimara furrowed his eyebrows. "She probably heard us speak with them. Otherwise there was no need for her to leave, she knew that. She would have left as soon as she had the opportunity." 

He wasn't attached to you of course, but that didn't mean he did not care. Hashirama would have offered a smile any other day to see his brother worried for someone else who wasn't part of the clan. It wasn't that his brother lacked a heart, no, but he preferred to value the lives of others rather than the over personal sentiments. If that made any sense. "That would explain why no one managed to see her when she left." But rather than escaping, that was not what worried him. It was...In the state you were in that made him worry. Perhaps you were trained, but with what you went through was no easy ordeal. 

"What is the course of action?" Tobimara observed his brother, he would see the struggle across his face. Deep down, he could see that he somehow still cherished the friendship he once had with Madara. "Do you really think speaking with him is going to make him let her go? We're at war, they know what they're doing by keeping her. She had no idea of what she was, and she has no idea how to use her skills to the fullest. She won't be able to escape on her own."

Hashirama pondered, perhaps with a hint of sadness. "We're at war," he started but trailed off. They were at war ,they had been since they could remember. The Uchiha and the Senju had been at war and both sides had lost loved ones. He was tired and he could imagine that Madara was too. But there was just...Too much hatred between the two clans that..."This isn't her war and it was unfortunate that she is tangled into it. She has already a war of her own that she has to face, this is the last thing she needs."

"You're not g-" Tobimara growled, "they took her for a reason. They're not going to let her go just because you ask them too."

"She is my responsibility," Hashirama started standing up, "I can try." 

Tobimara knew that no matter what he did, he was not going to convince his brother otherwise. So, all he could do was to stick to his side to protect him. 


Meanwhile, you were starting at your food. You were hungry, the grumbling of your stomach was probably heard any Madara. The male sat across from you, his brother sat as his brother's side, a deep frown on his face. 

You stared at the youngest one and you could not take your gaze away from him. Childhood memories drowned your mind, of the one person that has been there for you when you arrived to the sand village. He had suffered, and somehow he found someone who he assumed understood him. And you found someone who had understood you. He ha snot judged you, your actions like many had. 

You wondered, what would have happened if you had staid. Sure, you would have to deal with the distrust of your parents but...But he would have been there in your life, he would have made it more bearable. It was... Heartwarming to think that, but that probably wouldn't have happened. You knew that, he had a life of his own and he wanted revenge. If you had stayed, you would have followed a path that was simply...Full of pain and vengeance. You would have had no goal. 

Izuna glanced at his brother, your gaze made him uncomfortable. It was as if you were staring at someone...who you cared about. He almost snapped at you, only for him to remember a name; Sasuke. You had mistaken him by someone called Sasuke. You had been so relieved to see him that it almost, almost made him feel guilty. 

Finally you lowered your gaze, grief passing through your facade and you pushed away your meal. "You want to manipulate me, don't you?" Then you remained silent looking down, perhaps your hands. Finally you raised your gaze and it was settled on Izuna once more, and he could not miss the sad smile. It had been so brief that he almost missed it, and then you set your eyes on Madara. "Being kind to me isn't going to make me talk, not that I know much of what you want to know anyway."

The brothers had not touched their meal either for obvious reason. "Don't you think this is best? You can save yourself further pain."

You laughed, it was a laugh that radiated of exhaustion, sadness and self-loading. Something that they too once had experience in their lives. They knew it too well, far, far too well and they didn't know how to react. "Go on," you pushed the chair back as you stood up, placed your hands on the table. "Go on, inflict all the pain you can. I have nothing, absolutely nothing to lose." Your eyes snapped to Izuna, "better yet, pass me on to all of you me. They need a de-stresser, right? " Slowly your body began to shake, and they were not sure if you noticed or not, but there were tears running down your cheeks. "Fuck...." And then you noticed your tears and you cleaned them savagely. Almost causing scratches on your face, but the tears didn't stop and that made you cry even more in frustration. "Fuck...I'm fucking... I'm fucking useless."

Izuna glanced at his brother, expecting Madara to do something. But Madara was rooted to his seat unable to do something. He didn't know what to do, had it been an attack he would have been quick to act but...He, no, they were not prepared for this. Perhaps they should have been prepared? They had witnessed mental breakdowns from their men too but it was easier to just...Let them deal with it. 

This felt different though...You cried, you screamed as your torso was now supported by the table. Then in rage, you threw you plate and cup to the side. There was no more to throw aside other than the chair, and you disposed of it too. "I'm so fucking useless! So fucking stupid!" Again you screamed but to no one in particular. Screaming was not enough, you then returned to the table and began to hit the table with your fists. The pain was masked by whatever you were feeling. "I fucking trusted you! I did it because of you! I wanted to save you! I wanted to do something for you...and this..." After minutes of hitting savagely the table, you stopped. Your body crashed to the flood. Your hands were bloodied but you didn't care. "This is what I got." 

The brothers decided it was best to leave, and they did. They knew what to do when it came to strategies for a battle. They knew how to defend themselves when they were attacked. When it came to battles, they knew perfectly how to respond. But this...They did not know how to respond other than to give you some space. 

Madara sent Izuna a glance and he left the place. That glance was enough to know what he meant. What do you plan to do now? And honestly, he didn't know. 

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