Chapter 2

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It seemed so defenseless, no clue as to how deathly the contents of that small bottle were. Just a drop of that liquid, and whomever consumed it would not die, but once consumed, their bodies would feel the effects. 

A long sigh startled your heart, you almost forgot that Hina was at your side. Although it was your task to prepare the last meal for those rodents, she decided to help today that Junko wasn't here. The other gilrs were occupied helping with your chores, some content today they were free to for day. No selling their "love" to those, those...Men. men that who have no one else to love and find swath from the girls. Yeah right, Junko can try to soften her actions but you know better. If those expensive eating, necklaces an clothing she wears, does not speak the truth, then you don't know what will. 

"Here," she took the small bottle from your hands and offered a warm smile, "I'll do it, I know it's not easy killing there animals as disgusting as they are."

Shaking your head, you tore the bottle from her grasp. "No, I have to do this on my own. I can't keep depending on you or the others. We.. "But you didn't finish the sentence. You didn't have to, she knew what you wanted to say. That if you kept depending on them, you'll always find yourself defenseless, weak. What will happen to you when...When they are taken away? When they are either too old or simply too sick to be saved? Or when they end up pregnant and they are taken with a promise they they would be taken to a safer place? You've experienced those moment several times throughout the years you have been kept here. You had cried, you had screamed for them to be left alone but that had been useless. Some of them had also cried, even struggled but useless action they were. Now, there had been other gilrs who had been brought, of course non of them recently, nor younger, but they had be brought to the house.

Hina's eyes staid glued to the ground, reminding her that any given moment or day, any of the girls could be taken away if they were not careful enough. She watched as you mixed the poison with food, food that would be offered to those rats. For a moment her heart squished as you didn't even hesitate, you simply walked around the kitchen, placing the prepared meals to those rats. 

What scared her the most was not the way you were acting, no, it was the fear that you were simply changing. Unlike you, she was around 15 when she was taken away, now being the oldest and now being 25, she knew what was happening. You on the other hand, you were too small, and as much as they tried to protect you, but that was not enough.

"There," looking back at Hina, you smiled widely, "since we're almost done I should cook something delicious today. But your hands held the bottle tightly, as if you didn't want to let go. Unfortunately, the loud murmur of the gilrs announced that Junk had returned. So, Hina had no other option but to leave. 

You just placed the small bottle of poison inside the pocket of your [Clothes], washed your hands and started the prepare the ingredients. Perhaps you were just used to cooking, and how it served as a way to escape reality, you were caught off by a harsh shoving. 

"Give me the bottle."

Rather hesitant, you reached for the bottle and handed it back to her. Once done, she took a good look at it before she left. But her ditrust didn't end there, when it was time to eat, she made you taste her food just to make sure that her food was safe. 

Who knew, maybe there was a chance of escaping. That day, for once, you finished all your chores with a wide grin. Time for free Dom was closer than you had hoped.


Junko Watanabi, that name alone was enough to bring disgust to his being. Sarutobi, scanned the report from the latest team that had been dispatched. How could it be possible for that woman to be alive? She had been killed, so perhaps there was something else missing. "Are you sure that is her name?"

The leader of the team nodded. "Yes, however, this isn't the same woman from years ago. What we found interesting is that there isn't much information about this woman or even her Hench men. Many of the girls' families simply do not know how thier daughters were taken while others are unwilling to talk." He paused, "Although there are other information from other victims, we found something quite peculiar. May I?" He motioned to the pile of paper at the Hokages side, said men gave him his approval to proceed. He flipped through each profile until he stopped and retrieved what he wanted. "There's a peculiar case, around ai years ago, a young six year old girl was taken." 

"Was it by the same people?" The distraught man questioned as he knew where this was going.

The other two glanced to one another before he shifted his gaze back at the Hokage. "It appears that is the case, but that is the strangest thing. She was the youngest to be abducted. At first our theory was that they had began to target younger girls but so far, she's the youngest. We cannot fanthom why they would take her."

As the man finished, the Hokage motioned for the folder to be returned to his hands. His eyes only scanned the information of the young girl, the name of her parents and all of her information. There was a photograph of [Name], a soft yet happy smile on her face. He could only wonder what she had to go through through all these years. He just hoped, wished that whatever the reason was, what he had in mind was not one of them. Shaking his head, he lowered the paper and took a long breath. "Keep searching, you mentioned that there were some locations give, I want you to find those places and search them through." You're dismissed."

They were getting closer, and they were not going to stop until they found the culprit. That is a promise.

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