Chapter 5

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Why? Why were they acting so... Apprehensive about you? Looking down, you glanced back at at the group of girls and even the kids. Most of the kids were younger than you, others were about your age, and some were older. These kids, who you have seen for a couple of days now, simply hangout with those they know. 

But, the girls, no matter how hard you tried to get close to them, they simply would smile nervously and leave. From how they were acting, it was as if they didn't even know you at all. As if those years you spent getting to know them didn't mean nothing after what...Happened. looking down, you frown. But could you blame them? You shouldn't, because you...Even if those people were evil, you had killed them and you had put the girls' life at risk too. 

As you walked to the backyard, you still remembered so vividly how drops of blood splattered on your face with each stab you inflicted upon Junko. How she grunted in pain, drawing at your arms trying to get you off of her. It was gruesome but oh, how you enjoyed seeing the look of terror on her face. For years you had endured her beatings, had to see her joy whenever you were left on the ground groaning in pain. The moment the knife entered her flesh, you could not stop yourself. Finally you made her pay for all she did to you.

The girls were afraid of you, and although it pained you greatly you could never change what you have done. If the opportunity was given once more, you'll do it over and over again.

The sun was shining bright outside, it was very warm almost hot outside, but you would rather endure the sun than the apprehensive looks from the kids. Even the person in charged of the orphanage sent you wary looks. Unfortunately, the was no tree that could shelter you from the sun so you just walked towards the fence and observed as civilians walked by. 

Not too far, children chanced one another without a care in the world. There were others that walked in groups, large groups as they headed to the same direction. Some even rushed in what seem in a hurry as if they were going to be late. 

Funny thing was, out of all the kids you had seen these past days, two captured your attention. It was one with black hair and with equal black eyes.  He seemed to walk mostly with his hands in his pockets and chased by crowds  of girls, though two girls seemed to fight the most for his attention. The first day, he didn't even see you watching all the kids walk by. The second day, well, the second say he sent you a glance only to evolve into a glare. From then on, that was his daily greeting. 

You could only care less about his, no, their attitude. That other guy, seem around your age maybe younger. This one had long black hair, but the most surprising feature was those,what seemed, white eyes. At first you thought he was blind, but when your eyes staid on his form as he passed by, he stopped, turned around and sent you a glare then continued his path. 

How was it to...Be able to walk with the freedom they had? To be able to roam the streets without a care? Letting out a sigh, you were about to turn away but stopped as that blond kid jogged, no, flew past you in a hurry. Such an odd goofball. Shrugging, you finally turned around and decided to find a good spot. 

The first day you got to the orphanage, you were told that your parents would be informed about your whereabouts. But you wondered, would they really show up? I so, would they want you back? Would you be able to recognize them? You can no longer remember their faces any more. 

The day passes by slower, almost felt eternal before it ended. Maybe it was because you were used to be active all day, occupied doing this or that. By the end of the day, you retired to your bed without talking to anyone. Why try when you knew the outcome?

For following days were quite similar, nothing out of the ordinary. However, those days turned to two weeks where something definitely changed. There were rumors of some parents that had arrived, even as you awaited anxiously, it wasn't you who they  came for. 

What you received was a mere letter from the Hokage, he was apparently very busy with the current issue and all he could afford was the letter. They were still trying to reunite the girls with their families, but all you could do was stare at the words with a frown. 

The man who had introduced himself as Kakashi, observed as your eyes scanned the letter. But, he was surprised when you offered it to him but avoided looking at him. "I do not know how to read."

He didn't even need to read it, he knew the contents of the letter. Even so, he accepted it and scanned his eyes over the letter. "I am sorry, although the Hokage has been working resentesly, it appears that your parents no longer recide in your birth place. Nevertheless, he will continue his search until he finds them. He says that for the time being you shall remain here until further notice."

Once he informed you of the news, he returned the letter only for you to turn around. "Thank you for the help, but I don't have any use for that letter." His ears caught your hesitation in your voice as if you didn't know how to act or what to say. It was completely understandable, he had heard of the hatred that filled your eyes when you were rescued. You held resentment towards Shinobi, that was more than clear. Perhaps, even if you had been rescued, it would be very hard to obtain your trust. 

Withing seconds, you walked away back to your usual spot; the backyard. Some of the kids whispered, though he didn't need to hear them clearly, the reason  for their bickering was the very same reason you freed those girls. 

His mission was clear, he needed to observe you just in case you would just explode once more and hurt anyone else. From his observations, you seemed just like any other serious and calm girl, you seemed to like to keep things to yourself and mind your own business. He was certain that under all of that, you were warm and kind, you've shown that with the many attempts to recover that friendship you had with those girls. In return, you were faced with their horrified expressions.

He was more than surprised to see that you didn't hold any kind of resentment, you came to accept that your actions, whether you believed them to be right or wrong,  had been frightening to the girls. So, no, you did not represent any danger to anyone. 

Shaking his head, he placed the letter inside the pocket of his pants. How unfortunate it was that you were seen as  threat that could hurt someone, when you were a Heroine. Those girls, although understandable, instead of feeling great fear, they should be grateful that you had done something to save them from their miserable life. You, someone so young and brocken, saved those girls and even those who were future victims from the grasp of those repulsive beings. That was tragic indeed.

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