Chapter 63

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Note: I'm not sure if you guys have read any of my other Naruto stories, they're a bit long. But so far, I do believe this one will be way longer than the other ones, so I hope you guys can be patient. I know romance hasn't taken place as much, but it will.

The loudness was getting you a tad bit anxious if you were being honest. There were a lot of friendly faces around, all of your friends were here. All teams were here even their teachers made sure to show up as soon as you were given the day to do whatever you wanted.

However, Naruto was quick to show up and to make sure that you were going to spend time with your friends. That was was you were seated and all of your friends surrounded a very large table, all were lively, happy enjoying their food. It wasn't the food that they were happy about, or that it was free, it was the fact that they were here... With you.

"So, how are you feeling so far? Have you already thought of what you're going to do?" Ino questioned, "if you want, you can work at our flower shop. I can't really help my mom as much as I used to, so she can definitely use the help."

Whatever the rest were talking about, stopped and listened to what you had to say. It wasn't the most interesting topic, but it was an important topic for you. They knew you were going to integrate yourself to a new lifestyle. A totally different one than the one you had been doing.

It was kind of her really, you doubted that they were in need of help. But she was being kind, she was trying to be supportive and it was very much appreciated. You couldn't help but smile, feeling warmth spread in your chest. " I haven't actually thought about that part, I'm still trying to process  everything that has been happening. However, by the time I'm actually allowed to roam free, I would gladly take your offer Ino. Thank you. "

" You're welcome, my mom will definitely love to have you there. " Her smile was genuine, and she seemed happy to be able to help you.

"What about the other two?" Tossing a piece of meat to Akamary, Kiba asked.

"I'm not sure but they'll probably stay in the village. They don't know what else to do." Despite their smiles, a few of them almost looked nervous and for a reason. They were afraid to say or even ask something that would trigger bad memories. Bad memories that would present themselves even if no one said anything. But you were learning to cope with them, you were learning how to live with your past. "I know some of you have questions, you guys can go ahead and ask whatever you guys need to know. "

" Do you plan to visit Gaara, if you're allowed to? I know you kind of spend some time with them. I'm sure they miss you. " This time it was Naruto, he didn't ask energetic as he always does. He was naive, but he wasn't stupid.

Your eyes shifted to Kakashi and Asuma, they were still responsible for making sure you didn't escape. " In the near future I do, right now wouldn't be the smartest thing. But yeah, I definitely do want to visit them. " Because you missed them too, you missed spending time with them training. You missed just... Being around them. However, you lowered your head remembering Kankuro's confession and his kiss.

You blushed, you did, but you could not help but feel heartbroken. How you wished you had never left that day, how you wished you had accepted his confession because now... Now you wondered if you'll ever be able to see someone romantically without remembering Iwaos... " You... Don't have to talk about it, you know? Take your time, and peak about it when you're ready." Sakura was always rough around the edges, she was rather violent with Naruto but she still cared.

"Thank you. Actually," shaking your head, you looked mainly at the teachers. "While I...Traveled back I met the Uchiha and the Senju. What ... What happened?"

"Oh right! That must have been so cool to meet the founders of the Village. How were they in person?!" Lee asked enthusiastic, and it seemed the rest were curious too. Kakashi and the others weren't behind either.

It felt like yesterday that you last saw them, and you were missing them. You got used to their presence in the short time you spent with them. "Hashirama was actually really kind. When I first arrived, even if they had the suspension that I was an enemy, they still cared for me. Tobimara was a little apprehensive, and appeared cold. But even so, the two of them were very kind hearted."

"What about the Uchiha? " It appeared that they kind of had a bad image of them, and you couldn't judge them. Your first encounter with them wasn't the most friendliest.

" They were just... Misunderstood. They were at war with the Senju, and they too were apprehensive. But they weren't that bad to be honest. The time I spent with them wasn't that bad, they didn't particularly treated me badly or anything. In fact, they actually defended me. "

" Defended you from who?" Shikamaru narrowed his eyes, you mentioned bits of your story but those bits did not include someone trying to harm you.

" Time Keepers, " finally you confessed, " it seemed that their people hadn't shown up. They assumed they were extinct. "

Surprisingly enough, Choji stopped taking bites of his meal. " Shouldn't they have been happy? Technically you're one of them. "

" I had no idea of it, and they say that as a threat. So, they couldn't risk the future and tried to kill me. But I was saved." Would they still be how far back did all of that take place? Would they still be alive? Maybe old, but .." What happened to them?"

" That's a discussion for another time, you're still adjusting. " Standing up, Kakashi intervened.

" Now it's the time, please answer me. Please understand that I say them not to long ago, and I want to know what happened to them. Please. " The way your eyes begged them, anyone would have been convinced and your friends weren't any different.

Shikamaru let out a long sigh, "I don't think you're going to like it but you're not going to stop asking. So," Shikamaru began to tell the whole story. He started what you already knew, but then he went on with happened later on. You listened closely, feeling your heart tear in pieces when he mentioned that Tobimara ended up killing Izuna. Your eyes glazed with tears, but you cleaned them by blinking them away. Despite the way you were feeling, Shikamaru decided to continue. The rest of it did not end well f9r Madara, who had lost the last person he loved the most. But even so, he ended up trusting Hashirama and two of them were the founders of the village. But at the end of the day, Madara ended up losing everything including his life. And all because of the distrust Tobimara still had in Madara.

After he was finished everything everyone remained silent. "Izuna... Oh my... I can't imagine what Madara felt when he lost Izuna. He was..." Rising from your seat, you mumbled. "I... Just give me a moment. I..." And you walked out, Naruto rushing to you but Sakura stoped him instead.

Kakashi didn't stop, he was in charge of you so he followed. You weren't too far when he found you, all you needed was a quiet place. "Madara wasn't that bad, as most people think. People tend to antagonize people without knowing the truth." When you heard his steps, you began to talk."Madara...He understood what I was going through. You'll think that the Senju would have been the ones to rescue me, and to encourage me to move on. But it was the Uchiha would encouraged me to move on. I just wis-" you had known about the future, because none of them deserved that future. And because you did not lie when you told Hashirama and Tobimara that you wanted to see the four of them.

Shaking your head, you turned to the others. Though a thought lingered. If you had the power to go back to that past, knowing now what you know, would you be willing to change the past?

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