Chapter 79

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Note: I haven't posted a list of love interests, but I'll say it's most of the characters. However,  I feel like this story is sort of coming to an end. I'm a pantser writer, so I never plan anything.  But yeah, I do feel like there are just a few more chapters left. U less there's like a new arc? Maybe a new book. Not sure yet. Either way, I hope you guys enjoy it!

"Miss?" The gentle voice of the boy snapped you out of your thoughts. Your gaze urned to him, and he probably was able to see your troubles. "Are you alright?"

And, and all you had to do was to watch the boy and then the rest of the kids. Each kid looked scared, and even the boy looked so afraid and yet he gathered the strength to stand up and speak to you. That, that was all you had to see for you to realize what you had to do. You were so close, so close to go back in time but, you felt that whatever you were going to see would affect these kids' future, either for the better or the worse. But, you couldn't go back and destroy what little hope and opportunity they had at life. You needed to have a clear mind to think, and right now your head was not clear enough.

Nodding, you offered a small smile to reassure them that they were no longer in danger. "I'm fine, are any of you hurt? Sick?"
They were malnourished, some bruises here and there but they seemed to be capable of walking. "Come on, I'll take you to the nearest village and to someone I trust. They'll make sure to find your parents."

It would take days to get to the nearest village, but these kids had zero survival skills. They would end up getting lost or dying. So, you took them to the village and did as promised.

The Sand Village looked almost like it did when you left, and the first you wanted to do was to go ans check up on Gaara, Temari and Kankuro. Honestly, you've been a terrible and selfish friend. Since you arrived you've brought them nothing but sorrow and pain.

But for your own selfishness, you wanted to make sure that they were safe and sound. You went to his office, asked to see the Hokage and although at first they told you he was not seeing anybody, upon mentioning your name, you had been allowed to see him.

When you arrived to the office, you spotted Gaara standing behind his desk, Kankuro and Temari at their side. A sigh of relief left your lungs, your eyes getting cloudy to see him alive, to see him well. Your body reacted on its own as you took a step forward, to hug them.

Temari was the first one to step in front of Gaara, but the indication of her fan being placed defensively at her aide made you realize this was not a warm welcome. Gaara's eyes landed on his sister, "Temari." He warned but she didn't bother to listen.

Kankuro had always sided with you, so your eyes turned to look at him, to see his reaction. His eyes were everywhere but you. "Why, why are you selfish?" The woman barked, " you... You always keep doing this shit every single time. To come to us and then leave and disappear. For what? You always you that damn excuse and yes, I get it. Fuck I get it, but you forget that there are people here who care for you."

Temari was fumin, "I know I h-"

"That's not good enough," her eyes narrowed, glared even and it seemed that for once she wasn't looking at a friend but an enemy. "You left an-"

"Gaara was in danger and I left," friends didn't do that, but if things had gone wrong then you co-

Temari owned her lips but then scoffed. "I get it, you can go back and fix things but have to realize you can't keep doing shit like that. Damn it [Name]."

"That is enough Temari." Once more Gaara warned, and he tried to offer a comforting smile to you.

"It isn't enough!" Her body trembled, and although she was pissed she was hurt. She was so hurt. "You died Gaara, if it wasn't for... If she hasn't sacrificed her life you would have been dead. You wouldn't be standing there. But right, you can go back in time and fix it. Right [Name]?"

Died.Gaara had been taken by the Akatsuki and he has been killed. You've known torture but you would have preferred all that torture than having to experience the pain in your chest. The thought of Gaara dying.... By now tears were running down your cheeks but you couldn't even look at Gaara in the eyes. You could no longer look at Gaara, Temari or Kankuro. The TK was right, you can always go back and fix things but you can never fix having to always remember that you weren't there. That even though you knew the Akatsuki were after him, you had left. It was what counted, that you were there for them and you had left. Instead, instead you worked for the Akatsuki and left.

"Fuck... I can't... I can't even imagine what Shikamaru is feeling right now."

With all the courage you had, you raised your gaze and asked, "what happened?"

This time she refused to speak, "His teacher was killed just... A day ago."Kankuro replied.

"[Name]," finally Gaara began to walk around the desk even at Temari's disapproval. "Temari is hurt but please do not take them by heart. We all have demons that we need to face on our own. I understand why you lef-"

" I'm sorry, " you interrupted him and stepped back just as he took another step forward. " Temari is not wrong, I am selfish and all I do is bring sorry and cause pain to all of you. I wish I could have been there for you when you needed it the most, but I wasn't and I'll have to live with that for the rest of my life. But what I don't regret is getting to know the three of you, I have nothing but gratitude for accepting me for who I was. You made my existence much more bearable, thank you. "

This caught Temari and Kankuro's attention. " Wha-"

Taking a few deep breaths, you tried to stop your tears but no matter how much you tried they wouldn't stop. The knot in your throat started to make it hard for you to speak, but you managed. " I just have a few loose ends to tie. Just know that it was never my intention to cause you all this pain... I love you. " Gaara had been the closest to reach out but what his hand grasped was your disintegrating form. The last thing they saw was your smile and your sobs.

There were just a few more things for you to do... That was all you had as encouragement to life.

Love for Sale( A various Naruto x reader story.)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें