Chapter 56

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They started at you, days after your mental breakdown they showed up again. They wanted answers and they weren't going to let you do unless you told them what they wanted to know. "History," you looked down at your hands as you sat on the edge of the bed. "I don't know about the history. I don't know anything about this war..." The past , they kept talking about the past where you somehow ended up.

Was it even possible? You were tired, you were just exhausted and you wanted this to be over. No, you wanted everything to be over. You wanted to be over, you wanted to disappear, you wanted to just... Die. "It's absurd that you wouldn't know about this war. H-"

"I don't know," you repeated finally looking up. Sasuke, that man looked like him. You would say that Sasuke wasn't like that but from the last time you saw him, he had changed. He wanted to complete his goal and in order to do that, he had to cut any ties. Ties that made him weak, at least that was what he thought. " But, " you considered telling him the truth. Perhaps your words would change the future, perhaps it would affect the lives of a lot of people. It was wrong for you but... What good reason did you have to care? People were cruel, men were monsters. Monsters who took advantage of children, that was what they were. And it was even worse that no one, absolutely no one was doing anything to stop it. If they had done something, you..." What I do know about this war, I... Really was not given the opportunity to learn. But, it it's of any consolation, I had... A friend, his carried your clan's name. But that is all."

Out of the two, Izuna frowned more. " What about our clan? "

"There were not many Uchiha or Senju, so honestly I don't know who won or lost." Sounded defeated, you revealed what they wanted to hear. A war between two Clans, and these two wanted information not only of who won. No, they probably wanted to know details of it.

Izuna glanced at his brother, silently asking questions and perhaps to take action. Before any of the two got any more questions to ask you, sounds of several steps were heard just outside of your room. Then there was a knock. " Madara Uchiha, we know you have a Time Keeper. We requested that you hand her to us, Time Keepers are not to take part in wars. "

Madara turned to the door, so did his brother. But then his gaze turned to you. His eyes observed your hunched shoulders, the way you stared at the ground or was it your hands? He didn't know. What he did know was that you were tired, mentally exhausted. More than that, someone had taken their time to break you. Their tactics were distasteful, their form of torture were disgusting. They were a disgrace of a man, because that was what they were if they had done this to you.

You were just barely hanging, if the Senju had not intervened and if they had not treated you the way they did, you would have... Perhaps killed yourself. If he was frank, all of this shifting wasn't helping and it would only make it worse.

Madara turned to his brother, who was already ready in case he needed to fight. During a war, there were certain things that should not be done. He had  family that were women and if they ever went through wha-" Do you wish to go with them?" Finally Madara asked you as Izuna decided to open the door. You raised your head only to stare at the Time Keepers, or that was what they were called. "If you go with them, they'll be able to teach you how to go back home."

Home. You flinched at that word and he could see how your eyes clouded with tears but you held them back. Whatever that home was, your future had nothing but pain and it was clear that you didn't want to go. It was clear that you had no idea what to do, you were scared. He turned to the Time Keepers, who were ignoring him and instead kept their curious eyes on you. It was as if they had never seen a Time Keeper like you before. They were curious, and they were going to ask a lot of questions.

But they were all men, men had hurt you and it would be yet another torture to send you with them. And Madara was not that heartless to do that. "As you can see," he began, "it would be best for her to remain where she is."

That made the Time Keepers' leader furious. "Women aren't mentally strong to be Time Keepers," he mumbled, "they're weak. I do not understand why she..."

"I've spoken, she isn't going anywhere. Now leave. She does not provide any value to this war, so rest assured she isn't going to be used for that. " But they were not moving.

Izuna hissed. " Leave, " he motioned for their man to get ready to kick them out.

They controlled time, but they were not ninja and they could not fight. So, they had no option but to leave and perhaps come up with a different plan. Once they were gone, Madara walked out of your room.

Izuna tunes to him then back to you and he too had no option but to leave. He closed the door on his way out, the last thing he saw was your hunched form staring at the ground.

" If what she said is true, she is co-"

Madara let out a long sigh as he watched his brother. He didn't like the look on his brother, he was changing. He understood why, they've lost many loved ones. Izuna just wanted to make sure no one else of their clan died, and he was willing to do whatever it was needed to prevent it. But in doing so, he was turning cruel. "We will wait for the Senju to request her return, when they do, she shall be returned to them."

Senju, Izuna knew nothing but hatred towards them. "What? You can't be serious. Why would w-"

"You said it yourself, didn't you? She's useless to us. " He those words stink in before he continued. "She needs time to heal, and she isn't going to do that here. The Senju will take care of her, unless you wish to have her here. I do not believe you want to take care of her, or do you?"

Izuna remained silent, he wasn't that heartless either. He knew that the Senju would know what to do with you, but it didn't seat well with him to know that they would have you. "Maybe she'll remember with time. "

But Madara didn't wait for an explanation, he moved away leaving his younger brother behind. Izuna turned around only to stare at the door. He remembered the first time you saw him, he remembered the smile. It was a smile of relief, to see a familiar face. Now that he knew why you were eso happy to see a happy face, guilt crawled into his heart. With what happened to you, you just wanted to be close to someone you knew and he had taken advantage of it.

Letting out a long sigh, he left. They'll know what to do, right?

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