"Well the Grand Line is a tough place, you can't be soft in battle." Yukiko said.

"I don't like cowards! Idiot! Bleh!" Luffy stuck his tongue out, waving it at Momonosuke who grew pissed again.

"You....!" growled the dragon, sticking his tongue out too!

"I said, enough!" ordered Kin'emon, and Momo's eyes filled with tears.

"Dammit! Onami!" sobbed the child, running in the Navigator's arms. "The monkey is mean to me!"

"YOU..." started Brook, carved eyes pissed.

"....DAMN...." followed Sanji, his expression mirroring the skeleton.

"....BRAT!!" finished the samurai with blushing cheeks.

Luffy just kept Yukiko at his side, at least he made it clear to Momo that Yukiko was his.

"Oi. I want you to keep this" Law returned, and handed to the navigator a Vivre Card. "I'll point toward an island called Zou that I talked about earlier. After handing over Caesar and destroying the SMILE factory, I was gonna head for Zou. My crew is there. But if anything happens to us, go straight there!"

"W-Wait a second!" she stammered as the surgeon placed a badly drawn map.

"What do you mean 'Anything happens'??? Nothing will happen, right?!" squeaked Usopp.

"What's this?" inquired your captain, leaning over Law's shoulder.

"This is a map that my crewmember drew...We're here now, at the west coast of Dressrosa. Doflamingo's palace is at the center of Dressrosa. The SMILE manufacturing factory must be somewhere on the island. We don't have much time. The Factory Destroying Team must move quickly..."

While Law was busy explaining the whole plan to everyone, Sanji seem to be distracted by something. The chef smelled the air a couple of times, walking in the direction of a path that led to the town. Soon after, he was followed by Luffy, who thought he sensed something good, Zoro, Franky, and finally Kin'emon.

Thankfully, Yukiko decided to tag along.

Dressrosa was a particular island filled with fragrantly-scented flowers, the delicious smell of local food, local women doing their tireless, passionate dancing.

But one thing that stood out the most was the stuffed toys who could talk and move. A little creepy.

"Hello! I'm a soldier!" A doll introduced itself to the surprise of the guys. White strings were dangling all around him as he moved. "Have we met before? Your faces look familiar. Hm?"

"What's this?! A toy?!" said Luffy, dumbfounded.

Everywhere they looked, the toys and plush were blending in with the citizens, living side-by-side with humans. There were living toys. A whole kingdom filled with them.

"A man has been stabbed!!" someone yelled.

"Oh, again?" spoke casually a tangled nutcracker, and Zoro raised a brow at it.

"What do you mean "Again"? Is there a phantom slasher or something?"

"No. The women in this country are passionate about love and most are the jealous type. So when their lovers cheat on them, things can get pretty violent" stated almost creepily the nutcracker, hollow eyes bearing in the swordsman's only one.


"The more beautiful they are, the more likely they stab a man!"

"Hm....Toys are moving by themselves but that's okay! Let's eat!" suggested Luffy.

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