47. My biggest fear

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Damon finds out what Elijah's biggest fear and makes him a promise.

Damon Salvatore, ever the curious and mischievous vampire, found himself pondering a question that had piqued his interest – what was Elijah Mikaelson's biggest fear? It wasn't a casual inquiry; it was a genuine desire to understand the depths of the man he was in a relationship with.

One evening, as they lounged in the Salvatore mansion, Damon couldn't resist the urge to broach the topic. Elijah, usually composed and unflappable, was taken aback by the unexpected question.

"Damon, I'm not sure why you're so fascinated by this particular aspect of my existence," Elijah remarked, an amused glint in his eyes.

Damon flashed his trademark smirk. "Come on, Elijah. Everyone's got a fear, even the mighty originals. So spill, what keeps you up at night?"

Elijah sighed, considering Damon's persistence. "Very well, Mr. Salvatore. My biggest fear is the idea of losing my family, of being unable to protect those I care about. The thought of their suffering or demise haunts me."

Damon's expression softened, realizing the gravity of Elijah's revelation. "Family, huh? Well, Original, I can relate to that one. I've got my own messed-up family, and yeah, the idea of losing them is pretty terrifying."

Elijah nodded, a shared understanding passing between them. "Family is both a source of strength and vulnerability. The bonds we share with those we love can be both our salvation and our deepest fear."

As the conversation continued, Damon found himself contemplating the complexity of Elijah's character. The revelation about his fear brought a new layer to their relationship, fostering a deeper connection.

In the days that followed, Damon couldn't shake the awareness of Elijah's vulnerability. He became more attuned to the Mikaelson's interactions with his family, noticing the protective glint in his eyes when someone's safety was at stake.

One evening, as they stood on the balcony overlooking the Mystic Falls, Damon decided to broach a more serious tone. "Elijah, I get it now – your fear. And you know what? I've got your back. Whatever comes our way, we face it together."

Elijah met Damon's gaze, a rare vulnerability surfacing in his eyes. "Thank you, Damon. Your understanding means more than you realize."

Damon leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to Elijah's forehead. "Consider it a Salvatore guarantee – no one messes with your family without going through us first."

As the night unfolded, the Salvatore mansion echoed with laughter and camaraderie, but beneath it all, Damon and Elijah shared a silent acknowledgment of the fears and the strength that bound them together.

Delijah (Damon x Elijah) Vampire Diaries oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now