39. Damon's ideal date

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Damon shows Elijah his ideal date

"Elijah~!" Damon singsonged as he walked towards his stoic boyfriend, "We've been dating for 2 months and only been on 4 dates." 

Elijah, who was reading a book, looked up at Damon with glare. "Damon, your calculation skills are terrible. We've been on 16 dates: One each Satuday and Sunday." Damon gave Elijah a sly smile before changing to puppy-dog eyes.

"Then lets go on another one!" 

Elijah found himself agreeing to Damon with a sigh. "I want to know what your ideal date is, Damon. You will plan our date for tomorrow." 

The next day, at 11:30 in the morning, Elijah was being dragged by Damon into the streets of Mystic Falls. Damon and Elijah had embarked on Damon's ideal date. 

As they entered the Grill, the atmosphere was lively, filled with the chatter of locals and the clinking of glasses. Damon flashed a mischievous grin at Elijah. "Welcome to my perfect date spot, Elijah. Get ready for some day drinking."

Elijah raised an eyebrow but couldn't suppress a small smile. "Day drinking it is, then."

They settled at the bar, sharing a few rounds of bourbon and engaging in witty banter. Despite the daylight hours, the Grill had a charm of its own, especially when shared with good company. Damon's effortless charisma and Elijah's refined demeanor created a delightful contrast that intrigued the other patrons.

After their impromptu day drinking session, they decided to take a leisurely stroll near the lake. The sun's golden rays danced on the water's surface, casting a serene glow over the surroundings. Damon and Elijah walked side by side, their fingers entwined, reveling in the simple pleasure of each other's company.

Damon glanced at Elijah, a soft smile playing on his lips. "You know, Elijah, there's something oddly calming about this, isn't there? Just us, the lake, and not a vampire hunter in sight."

Elijah nodded, his gaze fixed on the tranquil water. "Indeed, Damon. It's a rare moment of peace in our turbulent lives. I appreciate your choice of a serene location."

They continued their walk, occasionally exchanging lighthearted remarks and stolen glances. The day drifted by, and as the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Damon and Elijah found a secluded spot by the lake.

Damon turned to Elijah, his eyes filled with genuine affection. "Thank you for indulging me, Elijah. I know it's not the typical extravagant Original vampire date, but I enjoyed every moment of it."

Elijah's lips curled into a soft smile. "Damon, it was a refreshing change from our usual encounters. I value the simplicity of this day."

As they watched the sunset together, Damon pulled Elijah into a gentle embrace. In that quiet moment, they found solace in each other's arms, appreciating the bond that was forming between them.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over their faces, Damon whispered, "To unexpected moments and the beginning of something extraordinary."

Elijah met Damon's gaze, his eyes reflecting the same sentiment. "To unexpected moments and the possibility of finding love in the most unexpected places."

And in that tranquil moment by the lake, they sealed their unspoken promises with a tender kiss, embracing the uncertain but hopeful future that lay ahead of them.

Delijah (Damon x Elijah) Vampire Diaries oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now