18. Healing Touch

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Elijah and Klaus get into a fight resulting in Elijah running to Damon. 

In their shared sanctuary within the Salvatore Boarding House, Damon anxiously awaited Elijah's return. The air was thick with tension, and the night felt unusually sombre. When the door finally creaked opened, and Elijah stepped inside, Damon's heart clenched at the sight before him.

Elijah's usual impeccable composure was shattered. His eyes red and puffy, a telltale sign of recent tears, and his clothes were stained with his own blood. It was evident that something terrible had transpired, something that had left both an emotional and physical scar on the stoic Original Vampire.

"Eli, what happened?" Damon's voice was a mixture of worry and anger, his hands instinctively reaching out to check the wounds that marred Elijah's skin.

Elijah winced as Damon's touch grazed over the unhealed gashes on his arms. "Niklaus and I had a disagreement," he said, his voice strained, avoiding Damon's gaze.

Damon's brows furrowed in concern. "A disagreement? This looks like more than just a simple argument. He did this to you?" His voice was laced with disbelief and anger, his protective instincts flaring up.

Elijah hesitated for a moment before nodding. "It escalated. He became... physical." His voice wavered, the weight of the confrontation evident in his eyes.

Damon's anger simmered beneath his concern. He gently guided Elijah to the couch, urging him to sit down. "You don't deserve this, Eli. No one does," Damon said, his voice firm, his hands tenderly cupping Elijah's face, wiping away a tear that had escaped his eye.

"I know," Elijah replied, his voice barely above a whisper, his eyes meeting Damon's for the first time. "But it's complicated. He's my brother, and despite everything, I still care for him."

Damon sighed, his anger momentarily giving way to understanding. "Eli, I get it. Family is complicated. But this?" He gestured to Elijah's injuries. "This is not something you should have to endure, not even for family. You deserve better, someone who treats you with respect and love, not someone who inflicts pain."

Damon's heart ached for the man he loved, for the pain he had endured at the hands of his own family. He pulled Elijah into a gentle embrace, holding him close, offering the comfort and solace that words couldn't convey.

"You have me, Eli," Damon murmured against Elijah's hair, his arms a safe haven. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what. You don't have to face this alone."

Elijah felt a glimmer of hope, a flicker of warmth in the darkness that had clouded his heart. Damon's presence, his unwavering support, became a beacon of light, guiding him toward a future where he could heal and find the love and respect he truly deserved.

Delijah (Damon x Elijah) Vampire Diaries oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now