6. Breakfast in bed

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Damon tries to surprise Elijah with breakfast in bed but accidents happen. 

On a sunny morning in Mystic Falls, Damon Salvatore, armed with a tray of freshly made pancakes, tiptoed into their bedroom, his face wearing a mischievous grin. He had grand plans for surprising Elijah Mikaelson with breakfast in bed, a gesture he hoped would bring a smile to his normally composed lover's face.

As he carefully balanced the tray, Damon's foot caught on the edge of the rug, and in an instant, the pancakes took flight. They soared through the air in a slow-motion ballet of batter and syrup, some landing on the bed, others on the floor, and a few even managing to cling to the ceiling like culinary artwork.

Elijah, who had been peacefully reading a book, looked up just in time to witness the pancake disaster unfold. He blinked in surprise, his elegant demeanor momentarily shattered by the unexpected turn of events.

"What...?" Elijah began, his voice a mixture of amusement and disbelief, as a pancake slid down the wall behind him.

Damon, not one to back down from a challenge, quickly recovered. He grabbed a pancake from the tray, eyes alight with mischief, and tossed it in the air like a frisbee. It twirled gracefully before landing on the tip of Elijah's nose, where it stuck for a moment before sliding down, leaving a trail of syrup in its wake.

"Oh, I see how it is," Elijah said, his lips twitching with suppressed laughter. He picked up a pancake and retaliated, aiming for Damon's head. Damon ducked just in time, and the pancake sailed past him, hitting the bedroom mirror with a splat.

From there, chaos ensued. Pancakes flew in all directions, syrup-smeared hands swiped at each other, and laughter filled the room. The once-serene bedroom was now a battleground of breakfast foods, with pancakes becoming both ammunition and shields in their playful war.

Between fits of laughter, Damon managed to quip, "I always said food fights were highly underrated."

Elijah, wiping syrup from his cheek, replied, "I must admit, this is an unexpected way to start the day."

Their food fight continued until they were both covered in pancake batter and sticky syrup, their laughter infectious and filling the room. In the midst of the mess, they found a peculiar kind of intimacy, a shared moment of silliness that strengthened their bond in a way that words never could.

By the time the food fight had subsided, leaving the room in a state of pancake-induced chaos, Damon and Elijah collapsed onto the bed, breathless from both laughter and exertion.

As they lay there, surrounded by the remnants of their breakfast battle, Damon grinned at Elijah. "Best breakfast ever?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Elijah, his usual composed demeanor momentarily replaced by a playful glint, replied, "Indeed, Damon. A culinary masterpiece, if I do say so myself."

And so, in the aftermath of their pancake escapade, Damon and Elijah found themselves tangled in a mess of syrup and laughter, their love story forever marked by the memory of a food fight that had turned a simple morning into a hilariously unforgettable adventure.

Delijah (Damon x Elijah) Vampire Diaries oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now