20. Revenge is best served sweet

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For the prank Damon does on Elijah, Elijah retaliates. 

After Damon's prank involving Elijah's wardrobe, the Salvatore Boarding House had settled into an unusual sense of humour. Elijah Mikaelson, never backing down from a challenge, decided it was time to exact his own revenge on his boyfriend.

One sunny afternoon, when Damon was engrossed in a book and basking in the sun's warm embrace, Elijah stealthily entered the room. In his hand, he held a tray with a deceptively innocent-looking chocolate cake. Unknown to Damon, this was no ordinary cake. It was a masterpiece of culinary trickery, lovingly prepared by the Original vampire.

Damon, completely oblivious to Elijah's plotting, finally looked up from his book when he sensed an unusual presence in the room. His eyes widened as he spotted the cake. "Eli, you made cake? For me?" he asked, his voice filled with delight.

Elijah nodded, his expression a picture of faux innocence. "Of course, my love. Just a little surprise to show there are no hard feelings," he replied with a charming smile.

Damon's heart melted at the gesture, and he eagerly accepted a slice of the cake. He took a bite, savoring the rich chocolate flavor. It was only when he swallowed that he realized something was amiss.

His eyes widened in realization, and he turned to Elijah, who was watching him with an amused glint in his eyes. "What did you do, Eli?" Damon demanded, panic creeping into his voice.

Elijah's smile widened, and he revealed the secret of his prank. "It's a chocolate cake, yes," he began, "but it's infused with a generous amount of vervain essence. Enjoying your 'sweet' revenge, my dear?"

Damon's face contorted in a mixture of shock and horror. vervain, the bane of all vampires, was now coursing through his veins thanks to Elijah's cleverly crafted confection. He clutched his chest dramatically, pretending to be affected by the vervain.

Elijah couldn't contain his laughter as he watched Damon's dramatic performance. "I must say, you make quite the actor, my love," he teased.

Damon finally gave in to laughter as well, realizing that he had been outsmarted by the cunning Original vampire. "You got me, Eli. I'll never underestimate your pranking skills again."

As they both laughed andshared the unusual cake with their vampiric family, their playful banter served as a reminder that theirlove was not only passionate but also filled with a sense of humor. In theheart of Mystic Falls, Damon Salvatore and Elijah Mikaelson continued toembrace the unpredictable nature of their immortal lives, one prank at a time.

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