30. Scars of love

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Damon sees Elijah's scars

In the quiet of their shared bedroom, Damon Salvatore and Elijah Mikaelson found themselves in a moment of vulnerability. The moonlight spilled through the curtains, casting delicate patterns on their intertwined forms. It was a moment they had never quite experienced before, a moment that would test the depths of their love.

Elijah had always been the picture of composure, his stoic facade unwavering even in the face of danger. But tonight, something had shifted. The scars that littered his body, the remnants of battles fought, and wounds healed, were now exposed for Damon to see.

Elijah's scars told a story of a thousand conflicts of sacrifices made and pain endured. To him, they were reminders of his past, of the sins he had committed and the burdens he had carried. As he hesitated to undress, his eyes met Damon's, revealing the insecurity that lay beneath his usual confidence.

Damon, ever perceptive, recognized the turmoil in Elijah's gaze. Instead of averting his eyes or pretending not to notice, he reached out and gently traced the lines of a particularly prominent scar on Elijah's chest. His touch was tender, filled with understanding and acceptance.

"Eli," Damon whispered, his voice a soft reassurance, "these scars, they don't define you. They're a part of your story, a testament to your strength and resilience."

Elijah's breath caught in his throat as Damon's words washed over him like a soothing balm. He had expected judgment, rejection, but instead, he found understanding and love. It was a revelation, a stark contrast to the fears that had plagued him.

"But Damon," Elijah began, his voice hesitant, "now that you've seen this...this ugliness, you might want to reconsider being with me."

Damon shook his head, his fingers still tracing the scars on Elijah's skin. "Eli, nothing about you is ugly. These scars, they're a part of you, and I love every part of you. They're a testament to the battles you've fought, the pain you've endured, and the strength that resides within you."

Elijah's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he realized the depth of Damon's love and acceptance. In that moment, his insecurities melted away, replaced by a profound gratitude for the incredible man he had as a boyfriend.

Damon leaned in, pressing a loving kiss to one of the scars, his lips a promise of unwavering devotion. "You, Elijah Mikaelson, are the most beautiful person I know, inside and out. Scars and all."

Elijah closed his eyes, his heart swelling with love for the man who had seen past his insecurities and embraced him, scars, and all. In Damon's arms, he found acceptance, love, and a newfound sense of self-worth.

Their love story, marked by the acceptance of imperfections and the celebration of each other's strengths, continued to unfold in the quiet of the night. In the scars that adorned Elijah's body, they found a symbol of their enduring love, a testament to the depth of their connection, and a reminder that true love saw beyond the surface to the beauty within.

Delijah (Damon x Elijah) Vampire Diaries oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now