27. Breaking the Fragile heart (Part 1)

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Damon and Elijah get into a fight and Damon suggests to break up. 

In the heart of Mystic Falls, where emotions ran deep and supernatural tensions often bubbled on the surface, an unexpected storm brewed between Damon and Elijah. Their love, once a source of solace and understanding, had become entangled in a web of misunderstandings and heart feelings.

One fateful night, the tension between them reached its breaking point. Harsh words were exchanged, their voices echoed in the Salvatore Boarding House like thunder on a stormy night. Damon's frustration and Elijah's stoic demeanor clashed, igniting a firestorm of emotions that neither could contain.

In the heat of the moment, Damon's voice rose, the words tumbling out before he could stop them. "Maybe we should just break up if its so damn difficult!" he spat his eyes flashing with anger.

Elijah, his usually composed façade was now cracking under the weight of their fight, looked at Damon with a mixture of shock and sadness "Is that what you really want?" he asked, his voice steady but laced with vulnerability.

The words hung in the air like a heavy fog each syllable carrying the weight of their pain. In a whirlwind of emotions, Elijah fled, seeking solace in the familiarity of New Orleans and the arms of his overprotective brother, Klaus.

Klaus, perceptive as ever, listened to Elijah's broken tale his usually sharp eyes softened with concern. He saw the fragility in his brother's heart, the cracks forming in the usually unshakable foundation of Elijah's composure. The mere mention of Damon's words sparked a protective fire within him, and he vowed to shield his brother from any further harm.

Days turned into nights, and Klaus' overprotectiveness became a shield around his brother, a silent promise that no harm would fall on him under Klaus' watchful eye. He became the guardian of his brother's heart, shielding him from the world and the pain that resided within it.

Meanwhile, in the quite darkness of the Salvatore Boarding House, Damon stood alone, haunted by the echo of his own words. Regret clawed at him, as he realized the depth of his mistake. His anger had wounded the man he loved. Each night, he would replay the scene in his mind. The memory of Elijah's shocked expression, haunted Damon's dreams. He felt the weight of his impulsive outburst, the consequences of his actions pressing down on him.

In the quite of his own thoughts, Damon found solace in the memory of their shared moments, the laughter, and the stolen kisses. He clung to those memories, allowing them to fuel his determination to win Elijah back.

Damon embarked on a journey to New Orleans to find Elijah and beg for forgiveness. He knew it wasn't going to be easy. The damage was done, the trust shattered. He needed to find a way to prove that his love was stronger than his momentary lapse in judgement.

One evening, under the glow of New Orleans' full moon, Damon approached Klaus, and asked, "Where's Elijah?"

Klaus,his expression unreadable, spoke with an underlying tone of warning, "He'sunder my protection. And I suggest you think long and hard before hurting himagain. Damon, you must do whatever it takes. This is the first time I've seenElijah this broken, and I hope... it's the only time."

Delijah (Damon x Elijah) Vampire Diaries oneshotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat