36. Shelter of love

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This is rather a short story.

Damon finds an injured Elijah tending his wounds.

Damon's footsteps echoed through the silent halls of their shared home, his thoughts occupied with various mundane concerns. However, upon entering their bedroom, his world was shattered by the heartbreaking sight before him.

Elijah, usually composed and stoic, was hunched over the bathroom sink, bloodstains marring his impeccable appearance. Damon's worry quickly morphed into a simmering anger as he approached his beloved, his instincts as a vampire on high alert.

"What happened?" Damon's voice, though firm, carried a tone of genuine concern as he gently touched Elijah's shoulder.

Elijah winced in pain, his gaze meeting Damon's with a mix of pain and shame. "Mikael," he uttered softly, his voice barely audible. "He decided it was necessary to remind me of my perceived sins, to show me what I deserve."

Damon's eyes flashed with anger, a surge of protective instinct welling up within him. Silently cursing Mikael, he pulled Elijah into a tight embrace, allowing his lover to release the pain and fear that had been inflicted upon him. Elijah's usual composure crumbled, and he began to sob, the weight of the torture he endured finally breaking through his facade.

"I'm tired, Damon," Elijah sobbed, "No matter what I do, its never enough. Maybe, I am useless."

"Hey," Damon started, "I love you, Elijah. You are not useless and its Mikael's fault."

Damon held him gently, offering solace in his arms. With great care, he guided Elijah to the bed, urging him to lie down. Damon carefully cleaned and dressed the wounds inflicted by Mikael, his touch tender and reassuring.

As he worked, Elijah's exhaustion overwhelmed him, and he succumbed to the comforting darkness of sleep. Damon continued to watch over him, his expression softening as he realized the depth of the emotional and physical scars Elijah carried.

With a gentle touch, Damon scooped Elijah into his arms, cradling him protectively. Carefully, he laid him down on the bed, tucking him in with utmost tenderness. The room was filled with a profound sense of peace as Damon settled beside Elijah, vowing to shield him from any more harm.

In the quiet darkness, Damon held Elijah close, his presence a silent promise of safety and love. And as the night unfolded, they found solace in each other's arms, embracing the fragile moments of tranquility amidst the storm that surrounded them.

Delijah (Damon x Elijah) Vampire Diaries oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now