44. 7 months and more

53 0 0

This is really short

Damon cooks for Elijah

The evening unfolded with Damon showcasing his culinary prowess, moving gracefully around the kitchen as he prepared a three-course meal. The scent of garlic, herbs, and spices intermingled, creating an inviting atmosphere that drew Elijah's attention.

As Damon worked, Elijah couldn't help but observe, a small smile playing on his lips. "It seems I'm in for a treat tonight, Damon. I didn't know you had such culinary skills up your sleeve."

Damon chuckled. "Oh, Elijah, there's more to me than meets the eye. Now, let's get ready for the main course."

Elijah leaned back in his chair, appreciating the effort Damon was putting into this surprise. "I must admit, this is quite unexpected. What prompted this sudden culinary endeavor?"

Damon shot him a playful smirk. "Well, seven months together calls for a celebration, doesn't it? And what better way to celebrate than with a meal prepared by yours truly?"

The evening continued with laughter, shared stories, and Damon's culinary creations delighting Elijah's vampire senses. The dining table transformed into a stage for a romantic rendezvous, illuminated by the warm glow of candles.

With dessert served, Damon raised his glass. "To us, Elijah. Seven months and many more to come."

Elijah reciprocated the gesture, clinking his glass against Damon's. "To us, Damon. I must say, this has been a delightful surprise."

As the night unfolded, Damon and Elijah savored the moments, each dish becoming a symbol of their growing connection. The kitchen, once a domain for blood bags and hurried meals, transformed into a place where love was expressed through the art of cooking.

Delijah (Damon x Elijah) Vampire Diaries oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now