5. Tangled Hearts

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Alaric and Damon are jealous of Elijah and Jenna and Jenna and Elijah are jealous of Damon and Alaric.

In the heart of Mystic Falls, a complex web of jealousy and misunderstandings began to weave its way around Damon Salvatore, Alaric Saltzman, Jenna Sommers, and Elijah Mikaelson. Alaric, watching Elijah's friendship with Jenna, couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy, while Damon found himself growing increasingly envious of Jenna's closeness with Elijah. Unbeknownst to both of them, Elijah and Jenna were wrestling with their own jealous thoughts, convinced that Alaric and Damon were intruding on their respective relationships.

One evening, the tension reached its breaking point. Damon and Alaric, both frustrated by their feelings of jealousy, found themselves sitting in the dimly lit Salvatore Boarding House, nursing their borboun in silence.

"I can't stand seeing Jenna and Elijah together," Damon confessed, his voice tight with jealousy. "It feels like I'm losing him to her."

Alaric nodded, understanding Damon's pain all too well. "And I can't help but feel threatened by Elijah's presence around Jenna," he admitted, his frustration evident.

Suddenly, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. Damon's eyes widened in realization. "Wait a minute. Are you saying... Elijah's jealous of you, and Jenna's jealous of me?" he asked, his voice a mixture of shock and amusement.

Alaric's lips curled into a wry smile. "Seems like it," he replied, a glimmer of humor in his eyes. "We've been so focused on our own jealousy that we didn't realize they were feeling the same way."

Damon chuckled, the tension between them dissipating as they shared a moment of understanding. "Well, if they're jealous, maybe we can use it to our advantage," he said, mischief dancing in his eyes.

Alaric raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What do you have in mind?"

Damon's grin widened. "Let's pretend to be even closer friends, make them think they're losing us to each other," he suggested, a playful glint in his eyes. "Maybe that'll shake them out of their jealousy."

And so, the two friends hatched a plan. They began to act even more inseparable, sharing inside jokes and secret glances, making sure Elijah and Jenna noticed their camaraderie.

As the days passed, Elijah and Jenna exchanged worried glances, their jealousy giving way to a growing sense of urgency. They couldn't deny the strength of their feelings, and the fear of losing the people they cared about pushed them to confront their emotions.

In a moment of honesty, Elijah approached Damon, his eyes filled with sincerity. In front of him, Damon glanced up at Elijah with a smirk, knowing the outcome of these events. 

"I realize now that my jealousy was misplaced," Elijah confessed. " I love you. And I don't was to lose our love."

Damon smiled; his heart warmed by Elijah's honesty. "I feel the same way, Elijah," he admitted. "I love you too. And maybe this whole jealousy debacle helped us see what really matters."

Meanwhile, Jenna approached Alaric, her eyes soft with vulnerability. "I'm sorry for doubting us," she said, her voice filled with regret. "I care about you, Alaric. And I dislike your closeness with Damon."

Alaric reached out, gently cupping Jenna's cheek. "I care about you too," he confessed, his voice tender. "Let's not let jealousy come between us."

In the end, Damon and Alaric's playful plan had inadvertently led to a deeper connection between them all. The tangled threads of jealousy had unravelled, revealing the strength of their friendships and the resilience of their bonds. Together, they realized that love and friendship could overcome even the most tangled emotions, and in their newfound clarity, they embraced the warmth of their connections, knowing that they were stronger together than apart.

Delijah (Damon x Elijah) Vampire Diaries oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now