45. Cookies

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Damon learns about Elijah's guilty pleasure

The revelation came to Damon on a lazy Sunday afternoon. He and Elijah had decided to spend the day at home, opting for a quiet retreat from the chaos that often surrounded their lives. As they lounged in the living room, Damon casually reached for a bag of cookies, a usual snack in the Salvatore household.

To his surprise, Elijah's eyes lit up at the sight of the cookies. "Ah, I see you have a fondness for sweets," Damon remarked with a teasing smile.

Elijah, usually composed and refined, couldn't hide the twinkle in his eyes. "I must admit, I have a weakness for the indulgence of sweet treats."

Damon couldn't resist pushing further. "Really? Never would've guessed. I mean, you're all Mr. Elegance and Discipline."

Elijah raised an eyebrow. "One might argue that even the most refined individuals have their moments of indulgence."

Damon grinned. "Well then, Mr. Elegance, let's put your sweet tooth to the test."

What followed was an impromptu baking session, an activity neither of them had engaged in for quite some time. The kitchen, often reserved for blood bags and hurried meals, transformed into a space filled with the scent of vanilla, chocolate, and the warmth of the oven.

As they worked side by side, Damon couldn't help but enjoy the rare sight of Elijah letting loose, fingers dusted with flour, a smudge of chocolate on his cheek. "Who knew you'd be such a natural at this, Elijah? Maybe we've uncovered a hidden talent."

Elijah chuckled. "Perhaps, or maybe it's just the joy of indulging in something sweet without the constraints of formality."

The cookies were a success, golden brown and perfectly sweet. As they sat down to enjoy their homemade treats, Damon couldn't resist a playful jab. "So, is this your guilty pleasure, Elijah? Baking cookies on a lazy Sunday?"

Elijah smirked. "I suppose even an Original vampire deserves a guilty pleasure now and then."

Damon leaned back, savoring the moment. "Well, I'll make sure to stock up on sweets from now on. Who knew the big, bad Original had a sweet tooth?"

Elijah raised his cookie in a mock toast. "To the unexpected pleasures of life, Damon. May we continue to discover them together."

Delijah (Damon x Elijah) Vampire Diaries oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now