37. Suit-man

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Damon and Elijah go on a hiking date with... interesting choice of clothes.

Damon and Elijah had agreed to go on a hike date, embracing the opportunity to spend some quality time in the tranquil beauty of nature. The day finally arrived, and they met at the trailhead of a scenic forest.

Damon couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Elijah stepping out of his car, impeccably dressed in a tailored suit for their hike date. He burst into laughter, unable to contain his amusement at the unexpected sight before him. Elijah, usually composed and sophisticated, looked slightly out of place in his formal attire amidst the wilderness.

Damon's initial shock at Elijah's choice of attire quickly gave way to uncontrollable laughter. He couldn't help himself; the sight of the usually impeccably dressed Original in the midst of a forest was too comical to resist.

"Sorry, Elijah, but I think you misunderstood the concept of a hike. It's more about comfortable clothes and sturdy shoes, not a black-tie affair," Damon teased between fits of laughter.

Elijah arched an eyebrow, his expression unyielding despite Damon's laughter. "Damon, it's important to maintain a certain level of decorum regardless of the situation. And besides, I always strive to make a statement," he replied, his voice laced with subtle amusement.

Damon wiped away a tear of mirth and managed to stifle his laughter, though a few chuckles still escaped. "Elijah, this is a hike, not a ballroom dance. Are you worried about encountering any well-dressed bears or squirrels?"

Elijah glared at Damon as he started to walk up the rocky paved hill, leaving a laughing Damon behind. It took a while, but Damon stifled his laughter and ran to Elijah to catch up the his well-dressed boyfriend.

During a brief rest, Damon finally asked, "So, what's the deal with the suit? Planning on impressing the local wildlife or something?"

Elijah chuckled softly, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Let's just say I enjoy embracing the unexpected. Life is far too short for predictable choices, don't you think?"

Damon grinned, appreciating Elijah's perspective. "Our life is not short, Suit-man. We're a bit too old. But even oldies should enjoy. Maybe I should start wearing tuxedos to the grocery store, just to spice things up."

Elijah's lips twitched into a rare smile, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I'd pay to see that, Damon."

Damon and Elijah's initial awkwardness dissolved into comfortable camaraderie. Damon realized that Elijah's choice of attire, though unconventional, was a testament to his individuality and confidence. And in the midst of nature's beauty, their connection deepened, the shared laughter echoing through the trees, forging a bond between them that transcended the boundaries of formality.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, the beauty of nature began to work its magic on them. The sound of rustling leaves, the scent of the forest, and the gentle warmth of the sun filtering through the trees created a sense of serenity. They found a peaceful spot to rest and share a picnic, and in that moment, the suit-clad Original seemed perfectly at home in the heart of nature.

Damon leaned over and kissed Elijah on the cheek, a gesture filled with affection. "You may be overdressed for a hike, my dear Elijah, but you're perfect just the way you are."

Elijah's stoic exterior cracked into a genuine smile. "Well, then, I suppose I can forgive your laughter, Damon."

Their hike continued, laughter echoing through the woods as they shared stories and cherished moments. Elijah's suit may have seemed out of place in the wilderness, but in the end, it was a day filled with love, adventure, and the unexpected, a memory that they would forever treasure.

Delijah (Damon x Elijah) Vampire Diaries oneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin