8. First Date

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Damon finds out that Elijah's never been on a date!

It was a fact well-known among the vampires of Mystic Falls that Elijah Mikaelson was a refined, enigmatic gentleman. What was less known, however, was that despite his centuries of existence, Elijah had never been on a date. Damon Salvatore discovered this intriguing tidbit during a late-night conversation in the Mikaelson mansion.

"You've never been on a date?" Damon's eyebrows shot up in genuine surprise. "Not even once in all your long, dramatic existence?"

Elijah, ever the composed one, inclined his head slightly, acknowledging the truth. "I have not found the opportunity nor the inclination, I suppose."

Damon grinned mischievously, a plan forming in his mind. "Well, Elijah, it's about time you experienced the wonders of a proper date. Get ready, because tomorrow night, I'm taking you on one."

Elijah arched an eyebrow, intrigued by Damon's sudden enthusiasm. "And what do you propose, Damon? I'm curious to see your definition of a proper date."

The next evening, Damon arrived at the Mikaelson mansion, his trademark smirk firmly in place. Dressed in his usual confident attire, he held out his hand to Elijah, who looked dashing in a perfectly tailored suit.

"Prepare yourself, my friend," Damon said, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "We're going to Mystic Falls."

Elijah, ever unflappable, raised an eyebrow. "Mystic Falls? What could possibly be there to warrant our visit?"

Damon chuckled. "Oh, you'll see."

They arrived in Mystic Falls, the town that had seen more supernatural drama than it probably deserved. Damon led Elijah to the Mystic Grill, a quaint little restaurant with a cozy ambiance.

"This," Damon declared proudly, "is where all great Mystic Falls dates begin."

As they sat at a corner table, Damon played the role of a charming host, regaling Elijah with stories of Mystic Falls, both the supernatural and the mundane. They shared appetizers and indulged in a bottle of the finest bourbon, a nod to Damon's Salvatore heritage.

After dinner, Damon took Elijah for a moonlit stroll in Wickery Bridge Park. The night was clear, stars illuminating the sky above. They walked in companionable silence, the only sounds the rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of crickets.

Elijah broke the silence, his voice contemplative. "I must admit, Damon, this evening has been unexpectedly enjoyable. I appreciate your efforts to show me a side of life I've neglected for far too long."

Damon grinned, nudging him playfully. "Well, consider this a crash course in romance, Elijah. Who knows? Maybe you'll find someone in the future you'd like to take on a date yourself."

Elijah regarded Damon thoughtfully, a newfound sense of warmth in his eyes. "Perhaps I will. But for now, I'm content to be here, with you."

And in that moment, under the stars of Mystic Falls, Damon Salvatore realized that maybe, just maybe, this unexpected date had planted the seed for something more between them.

Delijah (Damon x Elijah) Vampire Diaries oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now