19. A Fashionable Surprise

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Damon decides to prank Elijah but it doesn't go quite like what he expected

In the elegant halls of the Salvatore Boarding House, where sophistication met supernatural intrigue, Damon was feeling mischievous. One particular morning, he decided to execute the ultimate prank on his impeccably dressed boyfriend.

Late at night, while Elijah was lost in the realm of dreams, Damon stealthily sneaked into his closet. With quick fingers and a silent chuckle, he replaced all of Elijah's perfectly tailored suits with an array of casual clothes – jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers. The next morning, as the sun kissed the town awake, Damon's prank unfolded.

Elijah, accustomed to the routine of selecting his impeccable suit for the day, was in for a shock. He stepped out of the shower, expecting to find his neatly organized collection of suits, only to be greeted by a sea of casual wear. With a sigh, he picked out a stylish yet unexpected combination of jeans and a fitted black shirt.

As he walked into the living room, Damon's eyes widened in surprise, feigning astonishment at Elijah's attire. "Like what you see?" Elijah remarked, his voice laced with amusement, having caught Damon red-handed.

Damon, recovering quickly, grinned in response. "I must say, Eli, you wear casual quite well. Who knew the almighty Elijah Mikaelson could rock jeans like a runway model?"

Elijah raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. "I can adapt to any situation, even your pranks, Damon," he retorted, the corners of his lips quirking up into a smirk.

Throughout the day, Elijah embraced his unexpected attire with grace and poise, effortlessly carrying off the casual look as if he had been wearing it his entire life. Damon couldn't help but be impressed by his boyfriend's ability to handle the situation with such composure.

As the day unfolded, they shared playful banter and laughter, the prank serving as a reminder that even in their immortal lives, there was room for light-hearted moments and unexpected surprises. And so, in the heart of Mystic Falls, Damon Salvatore and Elijah Mikaelson continued their dance of love, their relationship as unpredictable and vibrant as the town they called home.

Delijah (Damon x Elijah) Vampire Diaries oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now