28. The Bet (Part 1)

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A/N: Klaus and Stefen are in a relationship

Damon tells Elijah about his bet with Stefen and asks for help to beat Stefen. 

Damon dashed up the stairs, his footsteps echoing through the Mikaelson mansion, and barged into Elijah's room with a look of urgency on his face. Elijah, concerned, immediately asked, "What happened, Damon? Why do you need my help?"

Damon hesitated for a moment before blurting out, "I made a bet with Stefan, and now I need to prove him wrong."

Elijah's expression shifted from concern to a glare at Damon. "Are you not a 165 years too old to be making bets?"

Damon snickered, running a hand through his hair. "Well, you see, Klaus and Stefan are together. They're in a relationship. And I told Stefan that we, meaning you and I, make a better couple than they do. Stefan disagreed and said he and Klaus are the better couple. So, we decided to settle it with a double date."

Elijah's eyes widened in absolute shock. "Niklaus and Stefan are in a relationship!?" he exclaimed, clearly taken aback.

Damon raised an eyebrow, looking at Elijah as if he'd just revealed a piece of common knowledge. "Wait, you didn't know that?"

Elijah shook his head, his mind clearly racing to process this new information. "No, I had no idea. This changes things."

Damon smirked, sensing an opportunity. "Well, how about we show them just how wrong they are? Let's go on this double date and prove that we're the better couple."

Elijah, still slightly stunned by the revelation about Klaus and Stefan, nodded slowly. "Very well, Damon. Let's prove them wrong."

With that decision made, they left the mansion, ready to face the challenge ahead and show Klaus and Stefan that they were more than capable of being an impressive and harmonious couple.

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