35. Not all fights are bad

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Damon and Stefen hear Elijah and Klaus fighting about love, Damon and confessions.

Amidst the chaos that had erupted within the Salvatore Boarding House, Elijah returned home, his keen senses instantly detecting the disarray that had unfolded. Shattered glass and bloodstains adorned the scene, and his worry grew with each step he took.

Following the trail of destruction, he eventually found Damon. The vampire was slouched in a chair, bottles of bourbon littering the table, and the faint scent of spilled blood hung heavy in the air. Elijah's concern deepened as he took in the sight.

"Damon, what happened here?" Elijah inquired, his voice filled with a mix of worry and genuine curiosity.

Damon's eyes, clouded by the alcohol and his own emotional turmoil, met Elijah's gaze. "Stefan happened," he spat out bitterly. "He just can't let go of Elena. He's suffocating her, and I can't stand it!"

Damon's words spilled forth, a torrent of frustration and emotion. He ranted about Stefan's overprotectiveness, particularly in regards to Elena, and how it had driven a wedge between the two brothers. Elijah listened attentively, offering occasional nods and hums of understanding.

Elijah, ever the patient listener, took a seat across from Damon. "Love can be complicated, Damon. It often brings out the best and the worst in us. Perhaps Stefan is just trying to protect what he holds dear."

Damon scoffed, his laughter laced with bitterness. "Protective or possessive, it doesn't matter. Elena deserves to make her own choices, and so do I."

Elijah nodded in understanding, his expression thoughtful. "You're right, Damon. People should be allowed their freedom, even in matters of the heart."

Damon's words grew softer, more vulnerable, as he continued, "You know, Elijah, you're different. You respect my choices, even when they're reckless. You never try to change me, and that's why I... I fell for you."

Elijah was taken aback by the unexpected confession, but he realized that alcohol had loosened Damon's tongue, allowing hidden feelings to surface. It was a fragile moment, and Elijah chose to respond with care.

As Damon's eyelids grew heavy with intoxication, he drifted into a drunken slumber. Elijah leaned closer and pressed a gentle kiss to Damon's forehead before carefully lifting the inebriated vampire in his arms. With Damon in his grasp, he made his way to the bedroom, where he gently laid him down.

Elijah sat by Damon's side for a while, watching over him, his emotions in turmoil. It was a moment of vulnerability and truth, one that would need to be addressed when Damon awoke. For now, all that mattered was ensuring Damon's safety and well-being. As he turned to leave, Elijah glanced back at Damon, his heart heavy with unspoken emotions. It was a night of revelations and vulnerability, one that would undoubtedly shape the future of their complicated relationship.

Delijah (Damon x Elijah) Vampire Diaries oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें