40. Elijah's ideal date

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Elijah shows Damon how his ideal date would be like.

Under the bright light of the Salvatore Boarding House , Damon walked towards Elijah.



"I didn't say anything."

"I'm not going on another date with you."

Damon groaned while glaring at Elijah. His eyes fixated on lover as he though of a way to convine Elijah. Damon's eyes lit up as he though of an idea.

"Eli. Last week, I showed you how my ideal date. Its your turn." Elijah contemplated before agreeing to Damon's idea.

Their first stop was an amusement park, where they gleefully rode every roller coaster and enjoyed the thrill of the various attractions. Damon couldn't help but be surprised at Elijah's enthusiasm for the lively environment.

As the day progressed, they found themselves at a simple restaurant, sharing burgers and sodas. The ambiance was casual, and they sat in a nearby park, observing children playing. When a ball got stuck in a tree, the kids turned to Elijah for help. Damon watched in admiration as Elijah effortlessly retrieved the ball, revealing a side of him rarely seen—a gentle interaction with children.

Their next destination was the zoo, where they strolled hand in hand, appreciating the beauty of nature's creations. The simplicity of the date struck a chord with Damon, and he found himself enjoying the genuine moments they shared.

As the day came to an end, Damon couldn't help but express his feelings. "I expected a more... fancy date, Elijah. But this, this was unexpectedly nice."

Elijah smiled, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Damon, during our time on the run from Mikael, there was never a chance to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. I wanted today to be about appreciating the ordinary things we often overlook."

Damon's gaze softened. "Well, you succeeded. Today was surprisingly... refreshing. It's like we're normal people for a change."

Elijah nodded. "Exactly, Damon. Sometimes, simplicity can bring more joy than extravagance."

As they walked back, hand in hand, Damon couldn't help but appreciate the newfound perspective Elijah had given him. Sometimes, it's the uncomplicated moments that hold the most significance, and he was grateful to Elijah for showing him the beauty in simplicity.

Delijah (Damon x Elijah) Vampire Diaries oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now