46. A different type of baking

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Damon decides to impress Elijah but it leades to interesting revelations.

Damon had decided to embark on an unusual endeavor for him – baking a cake. The Salvatore kitchen, usually reserved for blood bags and the occasional rushed meal, was now filled with the scent of vanilla and chocolate. As Damon mixed the batter, he got a call that demanded his immediate attention, prompting him to step out of the kitchen.

When Damon returned, expecting to resume his baking adventure, he was met with a puzzling sight. The batter and the bowl were nowhere to be found, but there, right in front of him, was a trail of chocolate leading to the living room. Intrigued and slightly amused, Damon decided to follow the sweet path.

As he rounded the corner, he was met with a scene that he hadn't anticipated. Elijah, his usually composed and elegant boyfriend, was sitting on the couch, a bowl of cake batter in hand. His suit was adorned with chocolate smudges, and his face displayed a guilty pleasure that Damon found utterly endearing.

Damon couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Well, well, Mr. Elegance. What do we have here? I leave you alone for five minutes, and you turn the living room into a chocolate paradise."

Elijah looked up, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "I must confess, Damon, the allure of cake batter was too much to resist. I assure you, it was an impromptu decision."

Damon chuckled. "Impromptu or not, you've officially become the messiest baker in town. But I have to admit, you make it look good."

Elijah raised an eyebrow. "Are you implying that I wear chocolate better than I wear a suit?"

Damon smirked. "Who knew you had a hidden talent for both fashion and baking? Maybe I should've recruited you as my sous-chef from the start."

Elijah dipped his fingers into the batter and offered Damon a taste. "Care to join me in this unconventional baking adventure, Mr. Salvatore?"

Damon didn't need a second invitation. He scooped some batter with his fingers and tasted it, the sweetness mixing with the mischievous glint in Elijah's eyes. "You, Mr. Mikaelson, just made baking a lot more interesting. I think we're onto something here."

As they sat there, fingers covered in chocolate, Damon couldn't help but appreciate the unexpected turn of events. In that moment, surrounded by laughter and the aroma of a baking cake, their kitchen became a place of shared joy and newfound sweetness.

Delijah (Damon x Elijah) Vampire Diaries oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now