33. The Gentle Scholar

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Sorry, this is really short. 

Damon finds Elijah teaching Hope.

In the heart of the Mikaelson mansion, Elijah Mikaelson found himself seated at a grand oak table, a stack of textbooks and notebooks spread out before him. Across from him sat a young girl with auburn hair and a determined expression – Hope Mikaelson, Klaus' beloved daughter. She was in the midst of her studies, and Elijah had taken it upon himself to assist her.

Elijah, always the epitome of grace and patience, listened attentively as Hope explained her algebraic conundrum. His gentle guidance and encouraging words provided her with the confidence to tackle the problem.

Meanwhile, Damon Salvatore had ventured to the Mikaelson mansion for a visit, and as he walked through the lavish halls, he couldn't help but notice the scene unfolding before him. His eyes widened in awe as he witnessed Elijah's unwavering dedication and kindness in helping Hope with her studies.

Damon watched as Elijah patiently explained mathematical concepts, occasionally using humorous anecdotes to make the subject matter more relatable. Hope's face lit up with understanding and gratitude, and it was clear that she held her uncle in the highest regard.

Unable to contain his admiration any longer, Damon approached the pair. "Well, well, well, look who's the master of algebra and the art of tutoring," he teased, a playful grin on his face.

Elijah turned to Damon, his expression composed as always. "Greetings, Damon. I'm simply helping Hope with her studies."

Hope chimed in, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Uncle Elijah is the best teacher ever! He makes everything so easy to understand."

Damon couldn't help but be charmed by the interaction between uncle and niece. He crouched down next to Hope, ruffling her hair affectionately. "Well, Hope, you're a lucky girl to have such an amazing uncle."

Elijah's lips curved into a small smile, a rare display of his warmth. "Thank you, Damon."

As Damon watched Hope continue her studies with Elijah's guidance, a newfound admiration for his lover bloomed in his heart. He realized that Elijah's gentleness and kindness extended not only to him but to those around him, especially children.

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