17. The ill noble

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Elijah and Damon are not fond of each in this one. 

Elijah gets bit by a warewolf and Damon is stuck taking care of him.

In the quietude of Mystic Falls, where the supernatural lurked in every shadow, a sudden twist of fate befell the unyielding Elijah Mikaelson. One ordinary evening, the noble vampire found himself uncharacteristically fatigued, his strength waning as an unfamiliar sickness coursed through his veins.

Damon Salvatore, always ready for a good-natured jibe or a daring escapade, found himself faced with an entirely different challenge: nursing his rival back to health. When it became apparent that Elijah's condition was grave, Damon put their differences aside and took charge.

"What's wrong with him?" Damon asked, concern etched in his features, as he held a damp cloth against Elijah's forehead.

Bonnie Bennett, the town's resident witch, bit her lip, her eyes reflecting worry. "He was bitten by a werewolf," she explained. "And the cure for a werewolf bite requires Klaus' blood. But Klaus is missing, and without him, we can't heal Elijah."

Days turned into nights as Elijah's condition worsened. Damon, surprisingly gentle and surprisingly adept at playing nurse, sat by his side, administering medication and offering comforting words. They shared stories, bickered like an old married couple, and in those quiet moments, an unexpected camaraderie blossomed between them.

"You know, you're not as insufferable as I once thought," Elijah mumbled weakly, his voice barely audible over the howling wind outside.

Damon smirked, a glimmer of genuine affection in his eyes. "High praise coming from you, Elijah," he replied, his tone lighter than usual, masking the worry that gnawed at his insides.

As the days stretched on, Klaus' absence cast a heavy shadow over their makeshift infirmary. Elijah's fever raged on, and with each passing moment, Damon's concern deepened. He kept vigil by Elijah's side, reading to him, sharing childhood stories, and cracking jokes in an attempt to bring a smile to the noble vampire's lips.

Finally, one evening, when hope seemed all but lost, Klaus returned, his eyes wide with concern as he took in Elijah's condition. With a swift motion, he administered the cure, his blood healing the werewolf bite and slowly bringing Elijah back from the brink of death.

Days turned into weeks, and with Klaus' cure, Elijah's strength returned. He looked at Damon, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you," he said, his voice soft but filled with sincerity.

Damon, caught off guard by the genuine warmth in Elijah's gaze, smiled back. "Hey, what are rivals for?" he quipped, attempting to lighten the mood.

In the aftermath of Elijah's illness, a newfound understanding had blossomed between them. They had seen each other at their most vulnerable, and in those moments, their enmity had faded, replaced by a begrudging respect and an unexpected friendship.

And so, in the quiet aftermath of Elijah's recovery, as the sun set over Mystic Falls, Damon Salvatore and Elijah Mikaelson found themselves bound by an unspoken promise: to look out for each other, no matter the circumstances. In the face of sickness and fear, they had discovered an unlikely alliance, a bond forged in adversity and sealed with gratitude, reminding them that even the fiercest rivals could find common ground in the face of life's challenges.

Delijah (Damon x Elijah) Vampire Diaries oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now