"You can always visit,"

Even though it would mean that a certain vampire would no longer be able to hide.

"I wouldn't want to intrude."

"Trust me, you won't be."

Karina frowned, looking confused.

"I know it sounds crazy, but trust me, it's fine."

We stopped and looked at Brad and Nora. She was smiling, and Brad was saying something. My lips pressed tight as my eyes narrowed. Clearly, we weren't leaving anytime soon.

"Maybe we should wander down Main Street and leave the lovebirds to do their thing."

Anzide moved in front of me and stopped. I could see the anxiety growing.

"What's wrong?"

"We are supposed to go straight home. I didn't expect Nora to appear like this. Now he's making gooey faces at the woman. You need to tell Brad that we're having a family-only meeting this afternoon."

"We are?"

Anzide nodded. I quickly caught up to Brad.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I thought that you might forget that we've got a family meeting this afternoon."

Brad was silent as he stared at me. With a forced grin, he nodded.

"Of course, I forgot. Maybe we could catch up a little later on?"

"I'd like that. Perhaps a little walk around town to search for a nice place to have a meal."

"Great." Brad gushed.

I wanted to roll my eyes and stick my finger in my mouth to show how sickly this was.

Brad flicked the fob, unlocking the car as he said goodbye to Nora. I waved at Karina, agreeing to meet up at the lockers tomorrow.

Brad huffed as he got into the car.

"If I lose out because of whatever nonsense you two are cooking up, I am going to be extremely cross."

"We all want you to get your end in, Brad, but be serious for a moment."

"Gross," I said, frowning at Anzide. "But it's completely true. She's not going to refuse you because it was extremely obvious that she was into you."

"Good." he grumbled. "What's going on?"

"We need to return to the caravan, and we need a family meeting."

With a sigh, Brad turned over the engine and pulled out of the car space. I knew what was going through his mind, and despite my reassurance, he thought that he wasn't going to get another chance with Nora. He was wrong. She looked at him with hope in her eyes. The second in charge of a coven was a grand position, and to form a relationship with one was just as good. She wasn't going to let this little fish escape.

"Did you discuss everything with James that Niko wanted?"

"Yes. Niko certainly doesn't like being kept out of things."

"You think that he wants the war over so that he can get on with his life now that Beatrice is back?"

"I think he wants to get out of the tin can. It's tiny and hot during the day. We're both in there, but only I can go out under the shade. It would be driving him crazy."

Well, that made me feel a whole lot better.

"But James said that he can find us extra helpers to assist Henry with the build. The accounts are set up, the spell has been cast, and I've already done the first transfer. At midnight, it will reset, and tomorrow, I will do it all again. Beatrice is going to shift back into Natalia and take on the daytime duties like going to see Henry about the plans."

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