You Promised

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It has been an hour since Rosie had gone into surgery, but it felt as an eternity for the two men still waiting outside of the Operating Room in Atlantis. The doors finally open and they see Beckett walk out, a concerned look on his face.

-"How's Rosalie?" - Evan asks the doctor as soon as he is in reach, hoping for good news.

-"She lost a lot of blood, Major. We are doing blood transfusions but considering the amount of blood she lost by the time I got her into surgery, I'm not sure how she's even alive. The next twenty-four hours will be critical to see if she'll pull through. It's up to her now."

-"Can I see her, Doc?"

-"She's being transferred to the infirmary as we speak, so as soon as she's settled in you can see her, Major."

-"Thanks, Doc."

Evan watches the man nod at him and Sheppard, and making his way to the infirmary. Evan can hardly process what he had just told him. Knowing that that might be a chance that Rosie might not pull through makes him want to scream and shout at the Universe.

He feels a hand on his shoulder and hears Sheppard telling him that Rosie will pull through, and that she's tough. Evan doesn't think. Spinning around, he closes his fist and punches his C.O. straight in the jaw.

-"You promised to protect her and now there's a good chance that she might die." - There's tears in his eyes as he shouts at the man.

-"You're right. But we were under heavy fire, trying to get the injured back to the jumpers as fast as we could and I didn't notice her getting shot." - Sheppard rubs his jaw as we speaks.

-"I... I'm sorry."

-"It's okay. I know how you're feeling, trust me."

-"It's just... I can't lose her, Sheppard."

-"Are you going to tell her how you feel?"

-"I was going to, but then she told me she was going on this mission and I ended up not saying anything. I didn't want to take her focus off of it."

-"And now?"

-"I think it's better to let her recover first before getting into all that."

-"Listen to me, Rosalie's tough and she will be okay. You two will have plenty of time together, you'll see."

Evan doesn't really answer his friend, he simply nods and lets out a breath before walking away, headed for the infirmary to see Rosie. He hopes that Sheppard is right and that she will be okay, because if she isn't, he doesn't know what he will do.

He steps inside of the infirmary and watches as nurses and doctors run around, taking care of all the people that need their help. Finding Rosie's bed, he pulls the curtain aside and sees her laying there, almost as if she was just sleeping, a horrible feeling of deja vu crashing over him.

Evan finds a stool and sits on it next to her bed. He holds her hand and squeezes it, wanting her to know that he is there. As her chest rises and falls with each breath she takes, Evan prays that she will be okay, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

He knows she is tough, she has to be if she is crazy enough to be a part of the Atlantis expedition, but he also knows all that she, and more importantly her body, has been through and it's enough to make him wonder if maybe this is the thing that will make her body give up and take her away from him forever.

Evan hopes that he's wrong, that her stubbornness and resilience are enough to help her through this. In the meantime, he will pray to whoever will listen that she will find her way back to him.

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