I Don't Care...

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Returning to Fay's planet is harder for Rosalie than it was the first time around. She wished she had gone to the village the first time they had been there, but, and as much as she hates to admit it, Evan had been right when he decided to head back to Atlantis and inform Elizabeth and Sheppard.

They're coming in by jumper, Rosalie sitting behind McKay, Teyla to her side and Ronon standing in the middle, while Sheppard flies the jumper. Rosalie has to admit, not all the lessons that she has received from both Evan and Sheppard will ever be enough to make her want to fly one of those things.

-"Rosalie, may I ask how you met Fay and her family?" - Teyla asks, bringing her back to the present.

-"Fay found me bleeding out in the forest while she was picking wood with her father, Bassel. She told him I was there and Bassel took me to their home so Chantria, Fay's mother, could tend to my wound and, hopefully, save my life. I ended up staying with them for about four days before leaving." - Rosalie will never forget their kindness. - "When Elizabeth told me I could give IDC's to strategic allies, I figured that it wouldn't hurt if I gave one to them. I told Elizabeth about their village and how we could possibly make some sort of trading deal with them, and Elizabeth agreed. I never told her that the IDC I gave them hadn't end up with someone actually in the village but instead was with someone that had saved my life. I wasn't sure if she would be okay with it."

-"You could've told her. She wouldn't have denied you that. Elizabeth knows all you been through, she would've given you her okay to give them the IDC." - Sheppard comments, without looking back.

-"I know that now and I'll make sure to apologize to her properly when this is over, but you have to remember that when this happened, I was still relearning how to trust people again. That was why I didn't say anything."

-"Well, it was a good thing you did." - Teyla places her hand on Rosalie's arm, reassuring her.

Rosalie looks back at the woman and nods, but thinks that if anything happens to Chantria and Bassel she will never forgive herself, her eyes lowered as she contemplates what that really means to her.

She feels the jumper slowing down, and when she looks through the window, she sees they are arriving at the village. Sheppard lands the jumper in an empty field nearby, and tells everyone to gear up. Even though the people there are peaceful, that doesn't mean they won't encounter trouble.

Rosalie checks her side arm, a requirement for all expedition members that go off-world, and grabs her Staff weapon before following Sheppard and his team out of the jumper. They start the short trek to the village in relative silence, Rosalie thinking that they need to figure this out and soon.

Rosalie is expecting to see a lot of things when she enters the village, such as children running around or women sitting on their front steps sewing some piece of torned clothing, but she definitely isn't expecting what she finds.

Everywhere she looks there are signs of weapons having been fired, small fires, crates turned and destroyed, as well as people crying while others try to comfort them. Rosalie makes eye contact with a few of the villagers and they give her pained and sad smiles, while nodding in recognition.

Her heart is breaking at what she sees and the anger starts to brew deep inside of her. Whoever did this to them will have hell to pay, if she has any say in it. What kind of people would do this to rather peaceful villagers?

Rosalie knows they need answers, so she leads everyone to the home of someone who has helped her and a few SGA teams in the past, telling Sheppard that they might be able to help them.

Rosalie sees the door open and enters, only to find the owner trying to pick up pieces of broken and overturned furniture.


-"Miss Rosalie?"

-"Juniper, what happened? Where's Ollie?"

-"They took him. They took my boy, Miss Rosalie." - The woman starts crying and almost collapses to the floor, if not for Ronon's quick reaction in catching her before she hits the ground and helping her into a chair.

-"Who took him? Juniper, tell me."

-"The Genii. The Genii took my boy."

-"Juniper, I need you to tell me what you know. Why did they took Ollie?" - She sees the woman take a deep breath, trying to calm down, before she speaks.

-"In the last few months, the Genii have come to our village every few weeks. They take whoever they think will be good workers for their mine. The ones they take, never return. They took Ollie's father and he never came back."

-"Do you know where this mine is?" - Sheppard asks, Juniper now much calmer.

-"No. But there's someone that might."


-"Cadogan. He's the local merchant. Of all the families here, his is the only one that never had someone taken. Some think it's because he has some sort of deal with them but no one can prove it."

-"Juniper, listen to me. I will find Ollie and bring him home. I promise." - Rosalie tells her.

-"Oh, thank you, Miss Rosalie. Thank you."

The woman launches herself into Rosalie's arms, hugging her tight. Rosalie can hardly believe that this is happening. But what she can believe is her promise to Juniper. No matter what, she will bring the young boy back to his mother's arms.

Rosalie gives Juniper a tight hug before leaving, the team following her. Once outside, it doesn't take long before Sheppard speaks up.

-"You shouldn't have made that promise. We don't know what we're dealing with here and if there's anything we can even do to help."

-"Whether with your help or without, I'm gonna get Fay's family and Juniper's son back. I don't care what I have to do or what it will cost me." - Rosalie walks away, being closely followed by Teyla, in the direction of the center of the village.

Sheppard watches Rosalie walk away, as he shakes his head, the rest of his team following the two women. He knows that she is taking this personally and that is always a recipe for disaster. "This isn't going to end well."

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