My Heart Belongs To You

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It's been a few weeks since her conversation with Elizabeth and Sheppard, and Rosalie has already decided that she is done with letting the past dictate her future. Also, Evan is already out of the infirmary, even if he is still on medical leave, much to Rosalie's happiness.

In the last few weeks, they have been spending as much time together as it is possible, with Evan joining Rosie in her lab to keep her company and he even started to learn Ancient with her help.

The day he left the infirmary, Evan had decided he was going to tell her how he feels about her, but there never seemed to be the right moment to do so. Between his recovery, his physical therapy appointments with Beckett and her work, it felt as if he was always running after that perfect moment and it kept slipping through his fingers every time he thought he had it.

Rosalie had decided to tell Evan how she feels when he left the infirmary, but now that he is actually out, she has been second guessing herself and her decision. "When did I become such a coward? I fought the Wraith hand to hand, for fuck sake.", she thought as she tried to translate a new text from one of the scientific departments.

Evan drops by her quarters that morning and asks her if she is up for a walk to the South Pier, per Beckett's recommendation. Her backlog is done, so she decides to take a few hours to herself. Letting Chuck in the Control Room know of her plan for the day, she walks with Evan to the nearest transporter and off they go.

An hour later, they are still sitting on the South Pier, watching the water bellow crashing into the walls of the pier, their feet hanging just above the high splatter. Evan decides then that this is as good as he's going to get as far as a right time and decides to tell her how he feels right there.

Evan turns and looks at her. She has never looked as beautiful as she looks in that moment, her head leaned back, leaning back on her hands, eyes closed, and just enjoying the sun and breeze that blankets over them.

-"Hey Rosie?"


-"I need to talk to you about something." - This gets the woman's attention, as she opens her eyes and turns to him.

-"Is everything okay?"

-"Yeah, I just need to tell you something. I should've told you this before, but I was too scared to lose you. You're my best friend and I was afraid that if I told you this, that I was going to lose you."

-"Evan, there's nothing that you could tell me that would make you lose me." - She's confused to say the least.

-"I hope you're right." - Evan takes a deep breath before beginning. -"Rosie, you have always been my best friend and it's safe to say that we have had our fair share of ups and downs. Between me coming to Atlantis and then you believing I was dead, our friendship hasn't been easy, but I like to believe that it has been made stronger because of it. However, the biggest change has definitely been our little arrangement."

-"The perk." - She smiles softly at him.

-"The perk." - He smiles back. -"At first I thought that we could do it and that our friendship would remain the same, but I quickly realized that that wasn't going to be the case. At least, not for me. Look, I know and understand that there's someone else that has your heart, and all I want is for you to be happy, but I need you to know that... I love you. I think I've been in love with you since the early days of our friendship, but it took seeing you with Sheppard for me to realize just how much I love you."


-"Please, just let me finish. I know that there's no chance for us to be together. I understand that and I'm not trying to make things hard for you, but after what happened, I need to know that you are aware of how I feel about you. If you want some time away from me, I understand that too. I also know that our friendship won't be the same, and all I hope is that you know that I'm always going to be there for you, no matter what."

Evan sees tears in her eyes and wonders if this is the end of their friendship. Standing up, he places a kiss on the top of her head, before walking away. He knows she needs time to process and when she does, if she wants to, she will come find him.

Rosalie is in shock. The man she loves just told her that he loves her too, but then just walks away. She shakes the shock off and looks at his retreating form, his shoulders hunched almost in defeat. It's now or never for her, so she stands up and runs after him.

-"You're just gonna leave and not let me say anything?" - He turns to her, defeat clear on his face. -"You're a clueless idiot, you know that?"

-"What?" - He asks, now looking confused.

-"Don't give me that look. Yeah, you're right when you say that my heart belongs to someone, but you're wrong when you assume that that someone is Sheppard, or anyone else for that matter. My heart belongs to you, Evan. It always has. The reason why I called off our agreement was because I was falling for you, fast, and I believed that you only saw me as your best friend. I was scared to end up heartbroken, so I did what I thought was the right thing and pulled back. But the truth is that my heart has always belonged to you and no matter how hard I try to protect it, it will always want you. I love you Evan and nothing is ever gonna change that."

Evan can barely restrain himself. Taking a step towards her, he grabs her by the waist and pulls her close, kissing her deeply. He smiles into her lips when she kisses him back. This right here is what he has wanted for years and was too afraid to do something about.

Rosalie has to admit, she was surprised when he kissed her and it took her brain a few seconds to catch up to what was happening, but when it did, she kissed him back as deeply as he was kissing her. She had wished for this for so long that now that is happening, she feels as if she is floating.

They break apart to catch their breathes, and Evan leans his forehead onto hers, smiling, seeing her smile back. He sees her closing her eyes, enjoying being in his arms. Evan smiles bigger, and just pulls her closer to his chest, her head now on his shoulder, and thinks that he is one lucky sob for having his best friend and the woman he loves all in one person.

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